(Always "under construction", as I keep adding links as I (or you, see below) find them!)
Ever wonder if there was just ONE Search Engine that would show you EVERYthing you want to know about a subject? Well, forget it.. the Web is just toooo darn big!! BUT.. if you have enough Search Engines at your fingertips... and a little patience.. who knows??
Here's a listing of every Search Engine I've found, so far, anyway... These links will each spawn a NEW page, so you don't have to keep clicking on your "Back" button to return to this page.
Canada Post: Postal Code Lookup
Find any Canadian Postal Code!
DejaNews (Searches through Newsgroups)
(A Web of Online) Dictionaries
Look up words in nearly any language!
A great place to find shareware!
Hotbot (One of the best! You can really customize your searches.)
Powwow White Pages (to find people on Powwow, natch)
Search Engine Watch (If you're new to "searching", it's a great place to learn about.. what else? Search Engines!)
A great place to find shareware!
Web Places Clip Art Searcher Highly recommended
Yellow Pages (Canada)
Yellow Pages (Global; the whole planet!.. or so they say..)
Yellow Pages (U.S.A.)
Zensoft's "Ultimate
Page" Type in what you want, it goes to a whole whack of engines at
once; very handy!
Please email me if any links are found to be dead, or if you have found any other engines, (specialized or general) that you'd like to see listed here!