As I spoke,
here is a collection from around the Empire of some of the songs
and poems.
I have, when available, written the songs in our native language, phoneticly,
and in Terran, when possible, so that others may enjoy our words!! Much
translations are made possible with the help of others belonging to the KLI,
their newsgroup, and other Klingon Organizations within the Empire.
Let us begin!
Pick a topic:
Klingon Anthem
Klingon Victory Song
Klingon Opera
Klingon Poetry
Koi keh-less pook load. Qoy qeylIs puqloD Koi Pook beh poo Qoy puqbe'pu' Yoch bow math bow je shuv wee yoHbogh malthbogh je' SuvwI' Say moach chyu may ew Sey'moHchu' may' 'Iw Mah shoov, mah nong, ej ma choch chew maSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu' Nee beh yin mahj ach wov, coo! nI'be'yInmaj 'ach wovqu'! Bath ma cheth bejj, ej yo keej dahk batlh maHghbej'jyoqIjDaq Vaav, poo ma de, muv pa rech, ma shoov tach vavpu'ma' DImuvpa'reH maSuvtaH Koo ma mev, ko ma shoov tach, ma ov Qu' DamevQo' maSuvtaH, ma'ov Kahless' son listen Daughters listen, Warriors brave and loyal The blood of battle excites them We fight, we are passionate, and we kill perfectly Our lives are short but very bright! We definatly die honerably, and in the Black Fleet, Before we join our faathers, we continue to fight, We refuse to stop the mission, we continue to fight, we complete.
(DS9 Birthright I)
Ya-zjah kay-oh yIja'Qo' bah-dah too-moh Bagh Da tuH mogh Fire streaks the heavens Sho-jah doo-roh ChojaH Duh rHo The battle has begun Ya-zjah kay-oh yIjah, Qey' 'oH Ya-zjah kay-oh yIjah, Qey' 'oH Ya-zjah kay-oh-ooo yIjah, Qey' 'oH Mah dok, u-do majaq. 'o' tugh jih dok, mah zjoo jiDaq. majun. Par dok, cha-bah! pa'Daq jagh baH! bu-rak, chu-qa ou' lo' tlhuHQo'! Telbar nay-goo tep lagh negh 'uH Moo-go toh-doo mughato' tu' Ya-zjah kay-oh yIjah, Qey' 'oH Ya-zjah kay-oh yIjah, Qey' 'oH Ya-zjah kayoh-ooo yIjah, Qey' 'oH Boh-naj ya-deetch wo' naj, cha' DIch Not-veer bah-reech Do' chIj, wa'DIch Key-jol kel-baj 'ejDo' 'el Da' keh-dah oh-kie Qib'a' bopar Ya-zjah kay-oh yIjah, Qey' 'oH Ya-zjah kay-oh yIjah, Qey' 'oH Ya-zjah kayoh-ooo yIjah, Qey' 'oH
Klingon Opera
This popular Klingon art form is unappreciated outside of the Empire.
Only one form of music has ever been counted by Klingons
among the fine arts, and that is opera. Klingon opera always deals with
legendary or historical subjects and is mostly vocal in nature,
accompaniments of more than three musical instruments being rare. The
most common accompanying instrument is the chuS'ugh, a very large wind
instrument that functions rather like a bagpipe, but with a pedal
bellows to provide air. A typical Klingon opera runs an hour to an hour
and a half in length, followed by about a ten- to fifteen-minute chorus
describing all the various effects of the story's outcome, consequences
frequently being as important to Klingons as the action of the story
(The Alternate) Though unheard, the lyrics, phonetically spelled and sung by a tenor, are:
Kak-lah... Kak-lah ... Kah-pool-AYYY-do-la-kak-lah... Yoh boo la to dah... Yoh boo la to da... Ah... do ro may... do ro may... do ro may... do ro MAY de lat so may... Uh clop-doh... uh gah... Uh clop-doh uh gah dor... Uh clop-doh... uh gah... dor ray... dor ray... dor ray.Carrying legend into ceremony, the Klingon Kahless-Molor fights are celebrated annually in the operatic mock fights of the Kot'baval festival. (First Born)
Kot'baval Festival Annual celebration throughout the Klingon Empire,
commemorating an historic incident in the life of Kahless. In the
streets, one can see street vendors as well as operatic reenactments
(complete with mock fights) of Kahless' final confrontation with the
tyrant Molor. Some of the lyrics are::LISTEN
Nok'tar be'got hosh'ar te'not ("He is asking if anyone else will have the courage to stand up to Molor") Ki'rock Molor, ki'rock (Worf answers, accepting the challenge) Ba'jak tu'mo O'tak tu'ro Nok'til Kahless. Molor gik'tal (Kahless sings) Ni'lot Kahless
The festival is celebrated, among other places, at the Klingon outpost on Maranga IV, on the "far side" of the Vodri Nebula. (First Born)
"Aktuh and Melota" a Klingon opera, noted for its famous love song; a
favorite of Lt Worf and he sang part of it with Amarie in a bar on
Qualor II. (Unificaton II) We may have heard a fragment of that duet
(described in the script as a "Klingon La Boheme") on playing loudly on
the bridge of the Defiant, as Worf sang along with the male singer:LISTEN
Female: BOOOOW-cha-daaay... Worf & Male: KEEEY-cha-daaay... Female: Me-YO-cha-BEEN-evaaa-kaa-MOOOOR... Worf & Male: LIIING-tomaaa... Female: Oh-ma-do-VEE-kos......ZOOOOOOO! Worf & Male: Oh-ma-do-VEE-kos......ZOOOOOOO!
"Aktuh and Melota" ('aqtu' mellota' je in tlhIngan Hol), noted for
its famous love song, is a favorite of Worf and he sang part of it with
Amarie. (Unificaton I) In (Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places)
[The transcription was published in HolQeD 5:4 (1996): 8-9 from a copy of
the final draft of the script supplied by someone at Paramount.
The best attempts of several of the Grammarians from the KLI's tlhIngan Hol
mailing list failed to make any sense out of these lines. However, they
certainly sounded impressive whatever Klingon language they were supposed
to be! LISTEN
tlhIngan jIH is the title of another popular opera about the nature of
being Klingon. Gowron says, "Few humans understand the spirit of Klingon
opera... A good singer of Klingon opera must always be given appreciation.
" Klingons show their appreciation of good art or performance by smashing
something, then paying for it.LISTEN
"Klingon Love Song" Telok, Klingon chef/host of the Klingon restaurant on
DS9, sang the following song with Jadzia Dax. The Klingon chef had never
heard this Klingon song before Dax taught it to him (Playing God):
Ak'la bella doo-oo-oo-oo... Bella ak'la doo-oo-oo-oo... La suhm ... La suhm... L'kahtra ...La suhm... Ak'la bella doo-oo-oo-oo!
"Aler acht'jar" Title of a Klingon song performed by Deep Space Nine's
Klingon Chef to the strum of a Klingon Lute for Doctor Bashir, Ensign
Melora, Pazlar and other patrons (no translation is available) (Melora):
Aler acht'jar, Aler acht'jar, T'lembda boool-gah toh-gal ... Aler acht'jar, Aler acht'jar, T'lembda boool-gah to lohhhh .... oh-mah ram rom rom, rom T'lembda boool-gah ....
Klingon battle songs Two lines of one, sung by the drunken Kor, are:
B'askI't Kor, B'askr'Ip Kor,
Kohman-a-tI, B'askI't Kor.
A translation is not specified. (Blood Oath)
Klingon Drinking Song Huraga told Worf that he used to sing this song
with his old friend Mogh when Worf was a small boy. Worf and Huraga sang
this over several (empty) metal bottles of what may be Klingon bloodwine
on Deep Space 9:LISTEN
EJ IM-TA FEY DE-JA I... 'ej HumtaH 'ej DechtaH 'Iw EJAHDAK-SO-TAS GHOS VA SKRAL BYTEEK 'ej Doq SodTah ghoSpa' Sqral bIQtiQ EMPA JAJ LAW-MOCH JAJ-PUSH 'e' pa' jaj law' mo' jaj puS JAJ KAYLESS MOLOR-MIGH HOHK-CHEW KOO. jaj qeylIS molar MIgh HoHchu'
They both laugh, then stand and butt heads. (Way of the Warrior) The song is translated in the novelization by Diane Carey as follows:
And the blood was ankle deep... And the River Skral ran crimson red On the day above all days When Kahless slew evil Molor dead!
Bachlor's Song?
This song was sung on DS9 episode (You are cordially invited...)
While Worf and Martok were on their way to (Kal Hyah!)LISTEN
kaa vek ko-lee-ko eH to-che Mah-lo Tah oh-ma Koh esh to PoH Deh Ah reee yaH Bosh-AH yaH Bosh-AH yaH Bosh tomaH!
Dirge for Kor, the DaHar MasterThis song is sung, when Kor sacrafices himself in order to save the ship that Worf and General Martok are on. He holds off 22 ships by himself. It starts of with Martok saying ..."to Kor, the Dahar master! A noble warrior to the end. LISTEN!
Mi' qul qar'a' me-ko ka-ra 'ej Do' QI' la' eng-do ki-la QI' DO' Sum, qarI' Do' QI'la' key-do-sum, ka-reH-do key-la Sutem pa' rI' tlho' sutem-pa raH-do mara' 'e' qor ma-ra eh- Kor rI'qa' re-ka rI'qa' re-ka rI'qa' re-ka DaSo' pa qareH da-so pa-ca-re QI' ro'qa' key ro-kah ro' qa' ro-kah ro' qa' ro-kah ro' qa' ro-kah Translation: Dirge for Kor, the Dahar Master - by Qoretlh See the number of fires burning clearly Good fortune for the mighty Commander Great luck, I discipline my hails of fortune to you, Commanders Hail appreciation throught your silence Our Commander Kor Hail again Hail again Hail again You always cloak it thereabouts the mighty Fist of the Commander the Fist of the Commander the Fist of the Commander
GaTH'k an ode of respect. This is properly spelled gha'tlhIq in tlhIngan Hol. (KCD)
Ler'at, House of Tignar. Warrior Son. At the battle of teh, he killed many men. At the battle of reth he took many hurts. His arms were strong to lift the Bat'telh high. His heart was fierce to keep the enemy afraid. at teh, at reth, at lagon, at dumath, at negan. His arms are heavy now with the weight of many battles. His heart is burdened by the press of many honors. When he dies, the heavens will shake with the screams of his comrades. Warning the dead, Beware! Beware! A warrior is coming.Klingon Love Poetry TNG (The Dauphin).
I hunt in darkness. The stars my guide. The memory of you sings in my blood. I seize the gift. Carry it to your bower. And lay at your feet the hearts of my enemies.
may'Daq - SajQa'
may'Daq In Battle SuvwI' Warrior! 'IwlIj yIQoy Listen to your blood, jatlhDI may' ghogh As the voice of battle cries out! yISuv qoj yIHegh! Fight or die! tujchoH 'IwlIj taghDI' may! When battle begins,your blood becomes hot, pum jagh The enemy falls Datprogh chaj tu'lu' bIrocH 'Iwchaj Their bodies are everywhere may'DaqhaHD'SDuvw' juppu'Daj lonbe' Their blood becomes cold. toH! So! may' yItIv, ves loDnI'pu'lI' DatlhejtaHvIS Enjoy the battle while you accompany your brothers of war!
Andrea Benton
Klingon Scouts
sung by a Klingon and a (non-Klingon)...
*Sung to tune: Grim Grinning Ghosts- The Haunted Masion
KLINGON SCOUTS A Klingon warbird decloakes outside (Now it's time to run and hide!) Klingons smile with glowing eyes (Out to drink and terrorize) Klingon scouts, about to socialize Now don't close your eyes, and don't try to hide Are you a PetaQ'?, Come on out and fight! Bath'leth's waving in the air (Klingons howling everywhere!) Klingon scouts, out to start a fight Now a Klingon warrrior loves to fight! (Watching them is a scary sight!) Smashing heads and drawing blood (And a Klingon thinks it fun!) Klingon scouts, always love to fight Now it's time to leave this outpost soon (Everything that's left is ruin!) Klingons de-materialize (rebuild quick, cause you know why) Klingon scouts, will come again real soon!
Alan Bowbrick (
The Plunderer
(Sung to the tune of the Wanderer)
I fly around space in my Bird of Prey Looking for planets I can conquer today Don't like the Feddies or the Rommies too As enemies go, I guess they'll have to do Cause I'm the Plunderer Yes I'm the Plunderer I fly around, around,around,around Kirk and his bunch are always in our face Their ship is so old it can't keep the pace Cardies and Bajoran and the Vulcans too Are gonna lose no matter what they try to do Cause I'm the Plunderer Yes I'm the Plunderer I fly around, around,around,around (Chorus) We are so fast you can't hope to defend You'd better strap on a pair of Depends Your hull will buckle and it will bend Then you'll be blown out into Outer Space Now I'm the Kind of guy who like to be in control That's why you'll see my ship out on patrol There is not a problem that we cannot fix With a blast from our Disruptors, we will get our Kicks Cause I'm the Plunderer Yes I'm the Plunderer I fly around, around,around,around around, around,around,around Cause I'm the Plunderer Yes I'm the Plunderer I fly around, around,around,around around, around,around,around Cause I'm the Plunderer Yes I'm the Plunderer I fly around, around,around,around around, around,around,around (Fade out)