Lady Eisseil - 07/18/00 23:04:48 My Email:tinamh2& Klingon Name: Commander Killick Klingon Group(s): Dark Star | Comments: Wish to get involved again!!!!!!@! |
Wade garland - 06/21/00 13:24:54 My Klingon Name: unkown atm Klingon Group(s): KAG | Comments: Cupla people!!! |
Bob - 06/01/00 15:58:57 My Klingon Name: Kelvar Septaric Klingon Group(s): K.A.G. | Comments: Just visited web site cool!!! Need more info about K.A.G. ASAP. Send to my email. |
Dave - 05/10/00 18:36:35 My | Comments: I just visited site, I like alot, I really am into Star trek and Klingons, I would like to know if you could recommend a site for klingon pics, especially the Klingon Kommerex Stella symbol, I am not a member of Kag yet, what is involved to join?,, a very great site! |
Robert Hole - 03/19/00 01:28:59 My Klingon Name: Ktong Klingon Group(s): DemonFleet,House of Veska | Comments: I found this site to the point and useable, Qapla'. |
Don Carter - 03/09/00 01:11:50 My Klingon Name: D'Har | Comments: |
mike bruffett - 02/21/00 07:40:05 My Klingon Name: kleq Mcptn Klingon Group(s): house veska firemtn quad | Comments: maj maj |
mark tyler - 02/11/00 06:48:27 My URL: My Klingon Name: Fleet Lord Kapact, DaHar Master Klingon Group(s): Klingon One List | Comments: maj'Qa' |
Christopher Roghair - 11/10/98 21:48:13 My URL:/Area51/Chamber/1640 My | Comments: Great website!!! Keep up the good work. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 09/24/98 07:32:03 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Captain KoHla sutai-DevnoH - 05/09/98 13:45:36 My URL: My Klingon Group(s): Klingon Assault Group; Klingon Armorer's Guild | Comments: SajQz: I think this is a valuable addition to the web info and source material for Klingons. It is well done and I appreciate it! I think others will agree! Qapla' |
Aaron - 02/25/98 22:13:40 My URL: My | Comments: do you like Star Trek, if so check out my page. |
Christopher Petersen - 01/14/98 00:48:15 My Klingon Name: Pok Chang/Martok Klingon Group(s): Klingon Warrior Society-ship is Imperial Klingon Vessel K'mpec, Klingon Assault Group-ship is Klingon Privateer Vessel Dragonstorm (Demon Fleet), Klingon Strike Force. | Comments: Good Job SajQa', looking good! You should make a link directly to the Blood Bar, but that's the only thing I could find that could be added or changed. Qapla' |
Wolf Klauschie - 01/08/98 04:26:13 My URL: My Klingon Name: Khaywolf Klingon Group(s): several | Comments: So, SajQa' is conquering another sector of cyberspace... very well, as always... |