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Wow, what can I say about me...
My real name is Richard E. Arendt, born and raised in Lakewood, Ohio.
I've since graduated from Cleveland State University and married my wonerful
wife. Together we have 6 little ones, 4 birds and a daughter and a son.
I am a recovering Internet addict (seriously, I used to be on my computer 20 hours a
day and sleep the other 4). I still surf and play games, but for maybe an hour or so a day.
My work keeps me busy programming (which appears to be my calling in life). I work
in HTML (web design), Visual Basic (VB), Active Server Pages (ASP 3.0 & ASP.Net), C#, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript and some C.
What do I like to do for fun....I'm an avid gamer. I enjoy playing all kinds of games, from board games, card games, RPG's, computer games. You name it. I also like movies, sci-fi, action, comedy. There's not too many movies I don't like.
Here is a recent picture, taken of me on the day my daughter was born
Here is a picture of me several years (and pounds) ago....