When I saw you sit up on your bed I knew I had to take you in my arms just one more time. I am glad I got to show you the sunlight for those last couple of minutes before your soul went onward to the light.
You will always be Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress Mow.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleoceras here, As always, the main Star Wars sites for Omega Squadron and Lightning Inc. can be found on this site following the links below. Even though the activity with Omega and Lightning are nil due to obsolete games, you can still check out the Omega Squadron and Lightning Wing homepages if you want to see the Imperial and Mercenary view of Star Wars! One game that I LOVE is called Hackmaster. It is from the Knights of the Dinner Table comic and uses the old AD&D 1st/2nd Edition engine. Very fun and VERY BLOODY!!!! I do have another passion thought called Star Fleet Battles. The Star Fleet Battles universe is a series of interlocking games, making use of the background of the Star Trek� television series of late 1960's and cartoon of the early 1970's, certain other Star Trek� background information, and a huge array of new material developed exclusively for the game. Please note that the SFB Universe diverges from true Star Trek� just before the movies (and the subsequent new series), because the Star Fleet Universe was born and expanded during the years when no new material was released. The Klingons have no brow ridges, but other races like the Lyrans, Hydrans, WYNs, Interstellar Concordium, and others will keep you on your toes! Up until now, I have had a pretty hard time deciding on my favorite race as I am a big fan of the Klingon, Lyrans, Jindarian, and ISC cultures and ships. But in the end I chose the ISC just because they have such a skewed view of the universe. Also Interplay is also making a gorgeous computer sim based on SFB called StaR Fleet Command, Star Fleet Command II, and SFC Orion Pirates. Check out their link below if you are interested! There is one other passion of mine. Traditional Muzzleloaders! Yes, they are the type of guns prevalent from the 1300's to 1865. Recently I came to really get into the early firearms from Handgonnes to Wheellocks. I hope to use them for future S.C.A. activites. Links to the Gonnes and other BP arms that I own and to a great Muzzleloader message boards are below. There is a dedication to the Draconis Combine (Battletech)and checkout the neat site for the Renegade Legion universe (I love that game!) Rest in peace FASA.
Links to other sites on the Web
The framed and frameless locations of the Omega Squadron website!
The Lightning Wing site.
Checkout Hackmaster right here!
Role Players of Long Island website.
A neat site that converts Shatterzone weapons and such to the Star Wars RPG stats.
My Black Powder Page
Doug's Muzzleloader Message Board
The Traditional Muzzleloader Message Hide
The Friend(ship) Muzzleloader Forum
The Offical Star Fleet Battles page!
My page dedicated to the ISC!
A very good and detailed though unoffical Star Fleet Battles page
The Star Fleet Command preview page
A very good and detailed Battletech page
Want to know more about the Renegade Legion universe?
Info on the history of The Draconis Combine
Star wars is a copyright of Lucasfilm. Star Fleet Battles is a copyright of The Amarillo Design Bureau. Battletech and Renegade Legion are copyrights of FASA.
� 1996 74472.2413@compuserve.com
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