The smell of death surrounds you, can you not feel its presence?
The dance of death is a celebration of life to those who know the right steps.
Better that we die fighting than outraged and dishonored. Better to die than to live in Slavery.
As you walk down the narrow passage engulfed in the faint light of the dimming
torches you can hear the screams of pain and anguish around you.
The smell of rotting flesh marks your way along the corridor. You stop for
a brief rest as you come upon your destination... The
shadows seem to move before you, their shapelessness frightens you. You wonder if the
immortal Vampyres will try to quench thy thirst upon you, perhaps the Garou will tear you to
shreds and you'll never be the wiser........ Perhaps an Assassins blade is
your fate..........
Come and talk with me of your adventures, and I will share mine with
you. And we shall drink and praise the gods that allow are lives, the ones
that have kept us alive in our dark times. Maybe we can forget are troubles
in meat and ale for a while before the haunting reality comes back to us..
So come sit down, have a drink or two. I am Known as Elfric Pendragon, perhaps
someday we shall meet. But until then remember this,
Ast tasarak shirak tilven queshu shire relnor solace lauranthalasa.....
Links to other sites on the Web
I'm found here often.....
One of my few Mortal friends homepge.....
A little about the history of Mages....
A bite about the Vampires.....
The last words of one of my greatest role models...
A page about C Programming...
A page about the creator of this page...
To become one with the dragon, first you must learn to respect
and honor him or you shall never
ride him.
Nemo me impune lacessit...

You leave the spot as solemnly as you approached it. The dying
embers of the torches are your last memory.
When the sun falls beneath,
The sky as dark as death.
The sword of peace within its sheath,
Its blade is crimson red.
Now you've fallen under,
The end is nearly Nigh.
Your heart uttered its last blur,
The angels sing on high.
This many souls hast come to this place.
Tell me of thy self
See what the other
travellers have said
Ž© 1996 I can be contacted here,
or using ICQ I can be contacted with the number 872696