Shell Sells Sea Shells By The Sea Shore |
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I got a great telescope for my birthday, and a subscription to Astronomy magazine for
Christmas. I've found Jupiter's large moons through the telescope. I can't wait to see
Comet Hale-Bopp, and who knows? Maybe I'll discover something.
Tori Amos
She makes me cry, jump around the house, and scratch my head in confusion. For different songs, of
Hunky Dunky
To heck with Christopher Lambert, Adrian Paul is the cutest immortal by far. He can have
my quickening any day! I've scoured the 'net for nude pictures but this is all I
Charlotte Bronte
She is my favorite author because of Jane Eyre, a book I've read about a hundred times.
Scooby Dooby Doo!
If I could only watch one cartoon- never mind, this is the only one I watch.
The X-Files
Ghosts, aliens, Scully and Mulder. What could be better than this?
Last Updated: Wednesday, Jan 29th