WarBird's Links

Well, here ya go: links to some SF/Fantasy and related sites that I have found entertaining and/or informative. These links are checked every 4.5 seconds by me personally! Yeah. Right. Did you want fries with that?

Rolozo Tolkien
Very good Tolkien site; lotsa Calendar Art!
Tolkien Sarcasm Page
Hey, even Tolkien fans have to lighten up sometimes!
Robert E. Howard Archive
Woo hoo! Conan was only ONE of REH's creations!
A Barsoom Glossary
Wow! All you ever wanted to know about John Carter of Mars!
The Witch World Page
Not much out there for Andre Norton. But this one looks good!
The Official website of Andre Norton. Cool!
H.P. Lovecraft Archive
Ooooh! H.P. Lovecraft! The old boy knew how to create a Mythos, eh?
The Principia Discordia
Well, the Universe is a wild and wacky place, but don't blame me! I didn't do it! Perhaps the Principia Discordia will provide some clues...
The Pictish Nation
Much about the Picts remains a mystery, but they sure knew how to make ale!
Win95 Annoyances Page
Included here because, as we all know, Win95 is really an evil FANTASY!

I proved my BtVS knowledge!

I mastered the ANGEL history quiz!

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