Does a large hairy man-like creature with big feet prowl the dark waters of Loch Ness?

Is there a large aquatic monster dwelling in the mountains of Tibet and in the northwestern forests of the USA?

Does the creature known as Mothman prefer wool or cotton garments for a late night snack?

You won't find out by watching Dan Rather!!!

Let scientists and skeptics scoff -- UM reporters are out there right now risking their very lives to bring you the answers to these and other questions concerning Unfounded Mysteries of the Unknown and Stuff! Whenever possible we will present to you on this very web page definitive and conclusive PROOF of the existence of almost any mysterious creature or phenomenon or whatever you care to name. If it's out there, we will find it -- and bring it to you!

YOU decide if you want to BELIEVE the incontrovertible and undeniable TRUTH!

Unfounded Mysteries Case Files

File #LNM-14a: In late summer of 1997, two tourists hiking along the shores of Loch Ness in Scotland spotted something moving in the water. One of the tourists had a camera, and managed to capture this snapshot before the creature abruptly submerged. Is this the final and definitive PROOF of the existence of Nessie?

File #JPD-1a: For several months now we have recieved reports of strange reptilian creatures at large in the state of Texas, but until now no one has managed to obtain any evidence that these creatures are more than just the result of one too many shots of tequila. Just last week one of our investigators managed to obtain this Top Secret photograph -- which we present to you in spite of numerous warnings from various unidentified sources.

File #TBB-1c: Everyone knows there are a number of bizarre Cults operating around the globe, but none are quite so insidious and dangerous as the one we have uncovered just this week. It's called the BB Cult, and it's members have been known to attack each other in frantic attempts to obtain favor with their strange and bizarre pantheon of animal-like deities. One of our best investigators managed to send us this photo of one of those strange deities before succumbing and actually becoming member of the cult. Thus far, we have not sent any other investigators to investigate further, as we fear losing them as well. Be warned -- if you encounter evidence of these cultists in your community -- RUN AWAY!!!


Stay tuned to this site for further evidence of Unfounded Mysteries of the Unknown and Stuff!

WarBird's Aerie
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