TD's Page O' Minis
I just got a digital camera, so I took a few Battlemech mini pics.
I've got over 50 minis, some still unpainted and some still unassembled,
but this sampling should give you an idea of how I paint them.





Grim Reaper |
Spider |
Starslayer |
Vixen |
Grizzly |



Buccaneer |
Grasshopper |
Phoenix Hawk |
Stinger |
Victor |





Behemoth |
Atlas |
Battlemaster |
Black Knight |
Chameleon |





Falcon |
Firebee |
Hellhound |
Javelin |
Kobold |





Marauder |
Phoenix Hawk IIC |
Trebuchet |
Whitworth |
Marauder 2 |

Raven |