Welcome To The Crow Landing
There really is no other way to say it, The Crow is one of the best films ever created. No sequel could ever truly do justice to the acting and talent of Brandon Lee. His supremely divine depiction of Eric Draven's dedication to his love, Shelly Webster, should stand as a monument for all others to see and follow.
As every diehard Brandon Lee/The Crow fan knows, Brandon Lee was a tremendous actor that was taken from his role in life very tragically. If you've never seen the movie (and you know who out there hasn't seen it), Brandon Lee died in the making.
Here are some well known, as well as little know facts about Brandon Lee, his father Bruce Lee, and The making of the movie, THE CROW:
1. Brandon Lee died in the same manner as his father, Bruce Lee, did in the making of his movie, Enter The Dragon.
2. The wound father and son had to endure were in the same place.....The bullet entered just under the ribcage and became lodged next to the stomach.
3. The movie, The Crow, was filmed in reverse. They began filming the end first, and slowly worked their way to the beginning. This is why it appears that Brandon dies in the beginning of the film.
4. Computers and stand-ins were used to finish the movie.
There are many other well known sites where you can find facts and pictures, even movie trailers and tv commercials promoting the movie's release.
All I can do right now is post the links to other pages until my entire collection of Crow Material is up and running. Visit my page often to see the updates.
Since I have much more work to do overhauling my page, I'll give you what I have now and all of my little tidbits information on the crow, as well as my links to other great honorariums to the star and movie.
Pay Tribute to Brandon Lee and go to this site,
as well as follow the links contained therein.
There will be much more to come, so don't forget to visit often.
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