Bobo's World campaign setting

Dargus Bighelm was born and raised in Bobo's world, so he has a wealth of knowledge to share with you. Bobo's World has two main gods: Bobo, the God of Good Feelings and Theodore, the God of Seriousness.

Bobo Is a happy god and believes that everyone should also be happy. As long as you are having fun in Bobo's world you have a god on your side. Theodore on the other hand thinks everything must be serious but this doesn't make most residents of Bobo's World happy. Bobo and Theodore were childhood friends that grew apart for obvious reasons. Bobo calls Theodore Ted and that really pisses him off because Ted doesn't sound Serious.

Most people on Bobo's World follow Bobo but more than a few are members of the Cult of Theodore or Ted Heads as Bobo calls them. Now I know you're thinking what does this have to do with Dragonlance this doesn't sound anythink like Dragonlance well I'll tell you. Bobo and Takhisis the almighty Queen of Darkness had a child out of wedlock. One night at a party of the gods Bobo and Takhisis got really drunk and there you have it. A few months later Takhisis shows up at Bobo's door pregnant nither of them want the child so Bobo puts the child in a female dragon that was a surogate mother for Mr. and Mrs. Clause. When the child was born Mr. And Mrs. Clause decided that they didn't want it anymore so he was put up for adoption. He was adopted by Tarrey the Tarreque and Tyrone the Tanar'ri a gay couple living in the Village of Monsters. The state deemed that that was not a good enviroment for a child to grow up in so the state took him away. Finnaly he was adopted by Glenda the Good Witch of the North she had a feeling that he was special. This is a basic background just build off of this believe me there is no way to screw up this campaign (Its too messed up already) feel free to adapt it in anyway and if TSR should ever make a boxed set like this I will be pissed that I didn't copyright it.

Bobo and Ted (We'll call him Ted because I'm pro Bobo) collected races from every other world in the multiverse so all races and classes are allowed here. The DM is encouraged to allow the players to do anything they want that won't unbalance to game too much for example in my adventure we had a pixie that was followed by a Viet Nam vet wacked out on acid named Jo. Needless to say he had a few flashbacks for instance the party was surrounded by vampires Jo pulled out a fork yelled "Duck!" and killed every vampire useing the fork like a machine gun. This setting was ment to be odd and entirely funny. Some other things that occurred were a thief in the party killed Jimmy Buffett just outside of Margaritaville. Jimmy was carring items from Ron CO. And The E-Manual. The E-Manual contained such spells as Summon nobody-Nobody appears, Power word Nothing- nothing happens, and Summon Pizza Dude-Pizza man shows up and demands his $17.50 then gives you your pizza. The basic plot of my first adventure was to get the LEG (Ladle of Endless Gravy) to the man with the STUMP (Serving Tray of Unlimitated Mashed Potatoes) but people like Sam the guy with the NUB (Noodles of Unending Blandness) stand in your way. As you can see this campaign was ment as a joke but all my players enjoyed it so much I have continued to run it and I thought I would share it with everyone. I would also like to thank the person that made this world possible Jeff Orloski. Without Jeff I never would have come up with this idea it was intirely a satire on his gameing style (He's Ted by the way). Jeff if you are reading this thank you sooooooo much wait a sec he owns a Mac he'll never be able to read this with that piece of junk and just incase you couldn't figure it out for yourself I don't like Jeff.