Power Word Nothing-Nothing happens
Summon Nobody-Nobody appears
Tightening Bolt-Tighten any bolt within sight
Melf's Minute Rice-A bowl of Melf's Minute Rice appears
Read Common-Allows the caster to read (not nessarily understand) common
Protection from Abnormal Missles-Protects one target from abnormal missles i.e. a large end table
DIRT-Detect Incredibly Ridiculos Traps
Rari's Mnemonic Depantser-Depantses the caster everytime he uses a Mnemonic device
Summon Pizza Dude-A pizza dude shows up in 30 mins or less and demands $14.50 in excange for a large with everything
Wall of Vanilla Ice-A wall of bad white rappers appears
Fool's Lead-Makes any substance of equal or lesser value than lead apper to be lead
Improved Vacancy-Makes any room that isn't vacant become vacant
Visibilty-Make a target visible (must be able to see target)
Animate Living-Animate any living thing
Bobo's Knock-There are three loud knocks that appear to come from nowhere
Mordenkainen's Unreliable Hound-A hound appears lies down and goes to sleep ignoring all commands give by anyone
Release-Allows any piece of property to be re-leased
Pass Gas Without Trace-Allows the caster to pass gas without anyone else knowing
Teleport With Error-Teleports the caster to a place he doesn't want to be
Fart Water-Do you need an explanation
Moonwalk-Beat it!
Magical Investment-The caster makes $1.2 billon in the stock market
Pass Plant-Look at Fart Water and think really hard
Wall of Snow-See Wall of Vanilla Ice
Bobo's Improved WISH-Wagon of Infinite Slimey Halibut causes a wagon to appear that produes an innfiite number of slimey halibut