The E-Manual

The E-Manual is the book of spells that Jimmy Buffett was sent to give to the hero's of Bobo. Even though a member of the party killed Jimmy they still got the book. All the spells in the manual are totaly useless and stupid but that's the way we like it. The spells can be cast at will by anyone that has the manual. Creative DMs and players will be able to find uses for the spells at certian points in the game. One way we used the spells were the party ran up agenst a sherrif, much like a video game hockey goaltender, that nothing and nobody could hurt. The party cast power word nothing and summon nobody the combination of the spells defeated the sheriff. Bear in mind that the gold piece is the unit of money used in Bobo's World so dollars are basicly useless. Here are a list of spells in the E-Manual and their effect:

Power Word Nothing-Nothing happens

Summon Nobody-Nobody appears

Tightening Bolt-Tighten any bolt within sight

Melf's Minute Rice-A bowl of Melf's Minute Rice appears

Read Common-Allows the caster to read (not nessarily understand) common

Protection from Abnormal Missles-Protects one target from abnormal missles i.e. a large end table

DIRT-Detect Incredibly Ridiculos Traps

Rari's Mnemonic Depantser-Depantses the caster everytime he uses a Mnemonic device

Summon Pizza Dude-A pizza dude shows up in 30 mins or less and demands $14.50 in excange for a large with everything

Wall of Vanilla Ice-A wall of bad white rappers appears

Fool's Lead-Makes any substance of equal or lesser value than lead apper to be lead

Improved Vacancy-Makes any room that isn't vacant become vacant

Visibilty-Make a target visible (must be able to see target)

Animate Living-Animate any living thing

Bobo's Knock-There are three loud knocks that appear to come from nowhere

Mordenkainen's Unreliable Hound-A hound appears lies down and goes to sleep ignoring all commands give by anyone

Release-Allows any piece of property to be re-leased

Pass Gas Without Trace-Allows the caster to pass gas without anyone else knowing

Teleport With Error-Teleports the caster to a place he doesn't want to be

Fart Water-Do you need an explanation

Moonwalk-Beat it!

Magical Investment-The caster makes $1.2 billon in the stock market

Pass Plant-Look at Fart Water and think really hard

Wall of Snow-See Wall of Vanilla Ice

Bobo's Improved WISH-Wagon of Infinite Slimey Halibut causes a wagon to appear that produes an innfiite number of slimey halibut