David's Sci-Fi Zone

It's a weird, weird world! But it belongs to everyone!

"Theme from ST-Voyager"

David started with 1 meg and Geocities has continued to increase the available space to it's current size of 15 meg. I will attempt to educate and entertain with my little green acre of the World Wide Web to the best of my ability. So feel free to visit as often as you wish and keep the count climbing. As you can see the Web Site has incorporated a midi sound file. As I learn of new entertaining ways to include different forms of multimedia formats, they will be installed on a rotational basis to hopefully keep the Web Site fresh and entertaining for visitors. Hopefully this will keep bringing everyone back for repeat visits so that the count can grow. If anyone has any ideas or resource sources, please e-mail me."

Please note that this site is under heavy construction and will be updated daily if not weekly!

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Welcome to IN Jersey Asbury Park Press Welcome to New Jersey Online


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"Help Find these Children"

"To find out more about the missing children. Click on the child's face."

This Web Site was created on November 9th, 1996

This page last updated at 1155 on January 10th, 2004.


© 1996 to 2004, All rights reserved and protected davidmdwight@hotmail.com