Codex:Jade Falcons

Welcome to the home of the Jade Faclons Space Marine chapter. Here I will present to you some of the aspects of this new chapter I have just begun building. I began building this chapter as an idea of how to paint up the boxed set space marines, but eventuall shied away from it as i was not very talented with a brush back then. I then went on to create a 7,000 point army of Scythe of Glory space marines which I will put up soon. Recently I went back to the Jade Falcons as allies for my Scythe marines.

Now on to the good stuff

Chapter History

The Jade Falcons were founded in the second founding and were an immediate success winning many of their first campaigns in the name of the Emperor. They won high renown for their battle prowess, and were highly reguarded by the high lords of terra. Then after their first master died, his replacement began to lead them on a path of corruption. This was subsequently revealed by their master chaplain who confronted the renegade master on the floor of his audience chamber. He presented his facts to the chapter master coldly and challenged him to step into the emperors light and repent. When the chapter master began to rant that the light of chaos was the only light that was worth following. The chaplain then coldly explained that the chapter masters life must end at that moment. As the two warriors clashed the hall remained empty. Then the master landed a mortal blow against the chaplain, who fell to the floor with a huge gash in his throat. As the master roarded his triumph to the chaos gods, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness with a glowing blade in his hand, and a halo of energies playing about his head. Then the chapter master stood completely still as the figure walked out of the shadows, raised his blade and cleaved the psychically frozen chapter master in two. Thus ended the corruption of the Jade Falcons.

They have been subsequently returned to the emperors light and have become a powerful force of the imperium.