We need your help to keep "Carmen" on the air! Please sign the on-line petition and show your support for this great show!
There has been a slight change in CSAS here. We're sorry for the delay in adding new members. Please email all future requests to Laurie and you'll be added to our roster. Sorry for the inconvience!
The Carmen Sandiego Admiration Society- (CSAS)
(last updated September 29, 1999)
The purpose of this club is act as a means of communication for fans of the cartoon, Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? The co-founders of the club, Laurie (aka Carmen) and Kevin (aka Dream Theater) have been huge fans of the show since its inception in February of 1994. Laurie currently has a Carmen page on the Web entitled, The Sandiego Manor . Her page, so far it seems, has been the center of Fan activity. However, in the interests of space and material, we have decided to devote an entire PAGE to Carmen's fan club! If you are a fan, this is your chance to let the world know...so help us in our quest to create a fully-functioning fan club!
Want to join the list of trusted associates? (By the way, a trusted associate is a loyal admirer of Carmen and/or the cartoon- fans of Zack, Ivy, and the Chief are welcome too!) E-mail Laurie, or sign the guestbook at the bottom of this page and let us know if you are interested in joining. Provide us with your name, e-mail address (if possible), favorite character, homepage address (if applicable) and any comments you wish to send our way.
If you're interested in learning more about this club, please check out the FAQ .
The list below contains the names of known fans. It is set up so that a picture of the member's favorite character appears before the name. The name (if clickable) is a clickable e-mail address. The TA number is highlighted if that person has a homepage. Following the number is any extra information they provided.
Here are the fans we know. Care to join us?
Laurie LeBlanc - TA# 1 ,
co-founder of CSAS and caretaker of
The Sandiego Manor
Kevin Farley - TA# 2 ,
co-founder of CSAS, who insisted Laurie be the first TA
Scott LeBlanc - TA# 3 , caretaker of the Zany Anthology of Carmen Knowledge (the Z.A.C.K.)
John Brouillette - TA# 4
Paula Mariani - TA# 6 , host of Ivy's Place
Evan J. Johnson - TA# 7 (who can also be reached at e-box@juno.com)
Abby Foustoukos - TA# 8
Devon Foustoukos - TA# 9
Michael Foustoukos - TA# 10
Meghan Fischer - TA# 12
Anita Knipping - TA# 13, aka Kid von Kidman, VILE Agent 200309
Kara French - TA# 15 , caretaker of ACME HQ
Dan Nguyen - TA# 16
Angela Smodell - TA# 17
Megan Thompson - TA# 18
Jaci Harris - TA# 19
Robert Perkins - TA# 20
Sarah Mimms - TA# 21
Sandi Kawecka Nenga - TA# 22
Carter Daugherty - TA# 23
Sam Terry - TA# 24
Rudra Radasandaran - TA# 25
Amanda Peters - TA #27
Patricia See - TA #28
Brian - TA #29
William Buckley - TA #30
Meg Clark - TA #31
Chris Massie - TA #32
Lio - TA #33 , caretaker of ACME Crimenet
Ben Tobin - TA #34
Kathryn - TA #35
Louisa Swanson - TA #36
Erica - TA #37
Kasey - TA #38
Matt H. - TA #39
Jayson Swanson - TA #40
Dax - TA #41
Erin Mills - TA #42
Carmelena - TA #43
Jessica English - TA #44
PATO - TA #45
Debbie Jackson - TA #46
Leong yu Cheang - TA #47
Janet - TA #48
Hezry Abu Hasan - TA #49
Karen - TA #51
A.L. - TA #52
Chmmr_X (Yoong John Yen) - TA #53
Cynder - TA #54
Drew Murphy - TA #56
Beau - TA #57
Meredith Mizell - TA #58
Lenore Burry - TA #59
Amzie - TA #60
Tanchira Arjinkit - TA #61
Deo - TA #62
Sara Keating - TA #63
Angela Moseley - TA #64
Cypress - TA #65
William Ow - TA #66
Hazrul - TA #67
Zeph - TA #68
Laura Douglas - TA #69
Sunet Rubalcava Garcia - TA #70
Christopher Stone - TA #71
Sarika - TA #72
Delarnee - TA #73
Ed - TA #74
A.R. (Shadow) - TA #75
Globie - TA #76
Tomita Masako TA #78
Sideshow Dan - TA #79
Katy Quintal - TA #80
Mystery Person - TA #81
Anonymous - TA #82
Astro - TA #83
Kasage Starrunner - TA #84
Paul - TA #85
Julie - TA #86
James Bagshaw aka Whovian - TA #87
Daniel Lundie - TA #89
Kenny Taylor - TA #90
Ryan - TA #91
Michael Wiltonr - TA #92
Adila Carecter - TA #93
Qistina Carecter - TA #94
Becky Oberg - TA #95
CS - TA #96
Itscaroline98 - TA #97
Anna Lekas Miller - TA #98
Please note that the TA numbers are in order of when we received messages from people. Another note, if you send us a message and don't see your name, just keep in mind we do get a little behind. We'll try to add you a.s.a.p.
There is more to this club than a list of names- there is a whole page of club goodies to download. What kind of goodies? Well, right now, there are some cool pics and a quicktime movie! Go check 'em out! (last updated July 27, 1998)
Also, join us for Carmen discussions in the Carmen Forum!
And now, view some concept and early art from the series! Visit the Concept and Early Art Page
Looking for clipart from the old games? Then visit the The Clipart page
And now for the favorite character tally:
Carmen- 54
Ivy- 13
The Chief- 7
Zack- 6
All the characters- 1
Other/Didn't Say- 4
Carmen & Ivy - 2
Zack & Ivy - 3
Carmen & Zack - 2
We are looking for imput for this site, so please feel free to send us comments and suggestions! Please note that this page is still under construction as well.
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If you want to join, leave a message saying to do so and tell us your favorite character.
You can check out the archived entries as well .
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Since September 9, 1997, CSAS has welcomed visitors.
A little disclaimer: The characters are copyright DIC Productions and Broderbund Software. Carmen Sandiego is a registered trademark of Broderbund software. Images and names are used without permission.