Title: Strudel-licious

Author: Chris F.

Rating: R for sexual innuendo, and m/m slash

SPOILERS: Itty-bitty for 9/27 SD

Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be mine.

"You know you like it." Kurt Angle stretched and yawned.

"I do not." Dwayne Johnson lifted his head to look at Kurt, whose head was resting on Dwayne's abdomen,

"You do so."

"I do NOT!"

"You were eating it rather enthusiastically just now," Kurt smirked.

Dwayne found himself blushing. "Well, that's different."

Kurt snickered. "Oh really? How so?"

Dwayne struggled to find a reason. "Because...because you're Kurt."

"Yeah? And?" Kurt rolled his eyes.

"And...that makes it different."

"Why? Is my strudel more strudel-icious than all the rest?"

It was Dwayne's turn to laugh. "You could say that."

"I don't believe you. I think I'm gonna go find someone else, someone who will admit to loving the strudel." Kurt sat up, climbing off the bed.

Dwayne sat up too, watching Kurt pull on his pants. "Oh, and who do you plan to find that will admit it?"

Kurt smirked. "Steven Richards."

"Steven Ri- you are NOT going to Steven Richards!" Dwayne's eyes practically popped out of his head.

"Why not?" Kurt pulled his t-shirt over his head. "Look at him, he'd admit to loving the strudel."

Dwayne crossed his arms over his chest. "And why is that?"

"Because the whole fed knows he's sleeping with Raven. He can't deny it."

Dwayne raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know that."

Kurt pressed a kiss to Dwayne's lips. "Baby, what you don't know could just about fill the Grand Canyon." He smiled. "And besides, I bet Steven wants my strudel. I've seen him looking at me."

"Yes, but he's.....he's...he's Steven Fucking Richards!" Dwayne sputtered.

Kurt raised his eyebrow in a fairly good imitation of Dwayne. "Your point?"

"My point?" Dwayne stood up, standing in front of Kurt. "My point is that if you go after Steven Richards, I will hunt you down, grab you, throw you over my shoulder and carry you back here."

Kurt placed his hands on his hips. "Oh really? And then what would you do?"

Dwayne leaned down. "Well, I'd start by..." He whispered something in Kurt's ear which made Kurt blush. "And then I'd..." he whispered again and Kurt shifted, a sly grin coming over his face. "And once that was done, I would..." He whispered a third time.

Kurt's eyes grew wide and he placed his hands over his bottom protectively. "You can't do that to me! You'd destroy the source of all my power and bootyliciousness!"

Dwayne smirked. "Kurt, baby, you're over-reacting. I wouldn't DESTROY it....maybe just make it a bit redder." Kurt opened his mouth to protest , but Dwayne placed a finger over his lips. "And anyways, your precious booty won't be in any danger if you come back to bed with me and stay away from Steven Richards."

Kurt sighed, and the couple crawled back under the covers. "You're a big bully, you know that?" he muttered.

Dwayne kissed his forehead. "Yup."

Kurt smiled. "Did you honestly think I was going to leave?"

Dwayne smiled back. "Nope."

There was silence for a moment, then Kurt asked, "But if I did leave...would you really do all that?"

Dwayne held Kurt a little closer. "Try it and see."