Title:  Spanish Eyes
Author: Marilyn Benitez
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, they belong to Vince and the WWF.  The song
used in this story is called "Spanish Eyes" which belongs to the Backstreet
Rating: PG-13
Distribution:  Go ahead just tell me where it’s going and have my name on it.
Summary: Jericho POV as he struggles with a new feeling.  This continues
after "Ghost Of You And Me".

***Jericho POV***

Well, here I am in one of those boring annual company party’s Vince puts up
every year.  Well, it’s not a boring party, but if you call sitting by a
group of people who are talking nonsense, drinking some sodas, you would
consider it boring.  Why did I come, I don’t feel in the mood to party.  Oh
yeah I forgot Perry begged me into coming.  Then I hear a frustrated voice….

"Chris are you listening to me?"

I turn confused and see Terri all angry with me. "Huh, what, oh sorry!" I say
with a sheepish grin.

"I was saying how’s your relationship with Perry doing so far?"

"It’s coming along fine!" I say.  Oh please shut up.  She can be an annoying
bitch sometimes.

"Fine, well that’s good.  So anyway…"

I’m blocking  her out, I know it’s rude, but I really don’t want to hear her
now.  I think she talking to me about a guy, boyfriend I think.

Looking around I spot Eddie.  I can’t  help but smile when I look at him. I
always do that, I can never figure out why.  Hell it must be because of our
friendship, yeah friendship, that’s all.

I see he’s talking to Joanie and Sean.  Damn I can’t help but give him a
once over look from head to toe.  Man he look great.  Dark blue shirt, black
slacks, black shoes.  Man he’s hot.  OK, what the hell am I thinking.  He’s
my friend….MY friend that’s all.  Nothing more, but awwww, he does look cute
when he smiles.  Chris stop that, stop thinking like that.  But look at
him….he’s…..he’s adorable.  He’s like a hot tamale that you want to eat all
up.  Stop it…stop I tell you!

Oh god, how pathetic can I get.  Here I am ignoring someone, and arguing with
myself at the same time.  Oh god, I really need to get out of here.

Well, I see that Terri is getting up, I think she’s saying bye, I look up at
her and give her a faint smile.  Thank god she left.  She kept chatting and
chatting like a parrot.  Oh well here I am alone, looking around, sipping
some of my soda.  How do I always end up on Eddie when I look around. I
should be looking for Perry, he’s my lover for god sakes.  Oh never mind,
here he comes.

"Hi sweetie!" he says.

I smile up to him.  "You been sitting here all the time, get up, talk to
people, have fun."  But before I can respond he turns around, I think someone
called him.  Then he turns back to face me.  "Look Chris, I have to go Dean
is calling me, why…" he stops for a sec looks around, then continues… "go
talk to Eddie?"

Eddie I’m trying to stop thinking of Eddie and here he goes reminding me of

"Well, gotta run, sea ya later babe!"  He gives me a quick peck on the lips
and leaves to where Dean is.

OK what should I do, sit here all day or go over to Eddie.  Sit or
Eddie….hmmmm……Eddie wins.

I see he’s alone now, wonder where….oh there they are.  Sean and Joanie
dancing with each other, how cute!

I walk up to him, "Hi Ed!"

"Jericho!"  In his eyes a weird look comes over, but goes away as fast as it
came.  "So whatcha want?" he asked.  I snap out of my thoughts, "Huh, oh yeah






"Look, how are you, fine?

"Yeah I guess…" he says in a sad voice, that’s making me want to go and hug
him until it’s all better.  "That’s good!" I say.  Now we both became
silent, both of us saying nothing, then we both here a song that someone has
put on……

Here we are
In the arms of one another
And we still go on searching for each other
Knowing that hate is wrong
And love is right
For us tonight
When I look into your Spanish eyes
I know the reason why I am alive
And the world is so beautiful tonight

It's a place I've never been
And it comes from deep within
And it's telling me
That I'm about to win first prize
Knowing all I have to do
Is reach out my hand to you
Anytime I want to look into your Spanish eyes

We stand here looking at each other, listening to the words carefully.
Seeing in each others eyes the same emotion go through them.  Seeing how my
heart beats faster as we stare at each other, at the thought of him next to
me.  Then right there I figured that my feelings for Eddie have changed.  My
feelings of friendship to him have changed into feelings of love.

Let it be if we're nothing more than dreamers
Who believe that we see no one between us
How can they be in my heart
And in my mind
When all I can find
When I look into your Spanish eyes
I know the reason why I am alive
And the world is so beautiful tonight

It's a place I've never been
And it comes from deep within
And it's telling me
That I'm about to win first prize
Knowing all I have to do
Is reach out my hand to you
Anytime I want to look into your Spanish eyes

I see myself moving closer, little by little as the song guide me, to him.

I loved you from a distance
Thought I couldn't reach that far
I can't believe how close that we are
When I look into your Spanish eyes
I know the reason why I am alive
And the world is so beautiful tonight

When I’m almost there about to touch him, I remember about Perry, and then I
feel a pang of guilt.  So I stop, and I see Eddie looking at me with sad
eyes, and he turns and leaves leaving me here alone.  So I lean against the
wall listening to the song end.

It's a place I've never been
And it comes from deep within
And it's telling me
That I'm about to win first prize
Knowing all I have to do
Is reach out my hand to you
Anytime I want to look into your Spanish eyes

And then I stand straight, wiping away the tears in my eyes, and go to my
hotel room, leaving Perry here alone in the party.  Getting away, trying to
hide from my pain, a pain knowing that I can’t have Eddie, the pain knowing
how I’m going to hurt Perry, and the pain of me hurting myself.