Title: Until It Sleeps (6/?)

For a moment, we are all frozen.  I'm staring at the bathroom door in shock,
Kane's glancing back and forth between Bradshaw and me like we're having a
tennis match, and Bradshaw's gazing blankly at the TV.  Well this is just

I got up and walked over to the door.  "Dennis, you ok in there?"

The voice coming from inside is weak.  "Yeah, I'm fine.  Musta ate something
bad for dinner."

I paused for a moment.  "You didn't eat dinner.  Wanna try that again?"

From behind me I could hear Kane saying "Don't be a prick," but I ignored
him.  I'm not being a prick.  If he thinks this is me being a prick, he
ain't seen nothing yet.

Meanwhile, I could hear Dennis breathing deeply inside the bathroom.  "I
just feel really sick, Mark.  Go back to the movie.  I'm ok."

"Bullshit.  Let me in, Dennis."  I added a knock on the door for good

"Mark, please, just go away.  I'll be fine as soon as I get a drink of water
or something."

"Dennis," I hissed through the door, "you're making a huge scene...."

"Mark, leave him the hell alone..."  Kane was warning me, but I again
brushed his comments aside.

"You're the one making the fucking scene!  If you'd just go back to the
movie and stop harassing me, everything would be fine!"  Dennis said, not
exactly quietly.

I started pounding on the door in frustration.  "That's bullshit and you
know it!  Dennis, stop hiding and open the fucking door!"

"JUST GO THE FUCK AWAY!!!!!"  Dennis screamed.

There was a long, drawn-out pause until...

"Dude, Hannibal's like...a German name right?  And Germany has
beerwurst...so Hannibal could be the German APA.  Beerwurst?  Beer?  GET
IT?!?!?!?!"  Bradshaw seemed to be quite amused with himself.

I couldn't even find a way to answer him without beating him into a smear on
the carpet, luckily Kane hit him for me.  "Would you please shut up?!"  Kane
stood, walking over to the door.  "Mark, go sit down."  I did, grumbling all
the way.  Kane turned his attention to the door.  "Dennis?  It's Kane.  Can
I come in?  I banished Mark to the other side of the room."

Fuck.  The door opened ever so slightly and Kane squeezed in, closing the
door behind him.  Everything was quiet for awhile, until the door opened and
Dennis walked out again.  His eyes were red-rimmed and he was obviously
upset.  "Mark?"

"Yeah?"  And somehow, I wasn't mad anymore.  Dammit, why is this happening?

"I'm...I'm gonna get some sleep, ok?  I really don't feel well..."

"Yeah, sure.  I'll try to keep Bradshaw shut up so you can rest."  I shot a
glare at my fellow Texan before watching Dennis shuffle off to the bedroom.

This has to stop.  If I don't find out what's going on, me and Dennis are
going to kill each other.  I have to find out what happened. "Kane, if you
go back to your apartment tonight, they cops'll probably find you.  Why don'
t you stay here tonight?"

Kane tilted his head in thought.  "That offer go for Bradshaw too?"

I rolled my eyes.  "If he wants to sleep on the porch, then yeah."

Kane just smiled.  "I'll call Farooq, have him come get him."  He picked up
the phone and dialed.  "Yeah...Ron, John got us nearly kicked out, and so
I'm staying with Mark and he...yeah, you got it....I'm sorry, I know you don
't like putting up with him when he's like this either, but this is kinda
important...thanks."  He hung up.  "Ron's coming to get him...damn, do you
ever feel like you're in a custody battle over your lover?"

I just shook my head at him.  "No, I was bright enough not to pick an
airhead like him.  Therefore, I don't have your problem."

We waited for Ron to show up and drag Bradshaw out, then I turned to look at
my brother.  "Kane, there's something I gotta go take care of.  Make sure
Dennis is ok if he wakes up, alright?"

"Sure Mark."  He paused, then looked into my eyes.  "Don't get yourself
killed, ok?"

"Don't worry, I won't."  I pulled on my hat.  "Someone else might find
themselves in that situation before the end of this though."