Silence of the Lambs jokes (mostly) courtesy of Maria.  Also, I stole a term from Hellfire's site.  Let's see if any of them catch it *g*

Title: Until It Sleeps (5/?)

Time didn't exactly fly by for the next few days.  I was starting to get stir-crazy, and every day I was more and more convinced that something was not right with Dennis.  And I'm talking beyond the whole "the boy ain't right" jokes…I mean seriously.  He doesn’t laugh anymore…his sense of humor used to be his whole world, and now he's quiet and serious.  And the two of us are getting very sick of each other.  It's too damn STILL in the house.

And we're just sitting here…the TV's on, we're half-listening to it, and we're not talking and it’s driving me INSANE.

And then there's a knock on the door.  I get up to open it and see Kane and….Bradshaw?  Kane's standing there, twisting his hands like a kid who got sent to the principal's office, while Bradshaw is grinning like a fool behind him.  Kane finally speaks.  "Mark?  Can I come in for a second?"

I move away from the doorframe, allowing them to enter.  "What the hell do you want?"

Bradshaw grinned even wider.  "We're hiding!"

I raised an eyebrow and Kane sighed.  "The neighbors called us in for disturbing the peace.  The police told us if they saw us again, there would be trouble, so we figured them not seeing us would probably be a good thing."

I rolled my eyes, then something hit me.  "Wait a second.  Neighbors?  You were….what were you…."

Bradshaw draped an arm around Kane.  "Oh, you mean he hasn’t told you yet?"  I shook my head.  "Me and your brother are an item."

Oh you've GOT to be kidding me.  "Who said you could get near my brother?  I sure didn’t…"

Kane rubbed his eyes.  "Mark, I am an adult, can we please just come in so we can maybe not get arrested here too?"

"Fine, fine…"

Kane and Bradshaw sit down on the floor.  Dennis waves to them.  "Hey guys."

Kane smiled up at him.  "Hey Dennis.  Enjoying your time off?"

Dennis started to answer, but he was interrupted by Bradshaw yelling "Oh cool! "Silence of the Lambs" is on!"

I sat down on the couch next to Dennis.  "Oh, is that what's coming on?"  I nudged Dennis slightly.  "You love that movie, right?"

He just looked at me for a moment, then smiled in a way even I could tell was fake.  "Yeah…it's one of my favorites…"

We sat watching quietly for awhile, until Bradshaw decided to contribute.  "Hey….you know if Lector's stuck in that cell…couldn't he like…flush himself out through the toilet?"

"That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day." I retorted.  I can’t believe I recruited him for the Ministry.  Jason Reso has more common sense then that idiot.

Bradshaw just glared at me and we went on watching the movie. Then, Kane felt the need to speak up.  "Hey Mark, you should be lucky you aren’t in the movie.  Buffalo Bill would get your fat ass for sure!"

I rolled my eyes.  "Right, and you’re really a toothpick, Mr. Butt and Gut."

Kane crossed his arms over his chest in anger.  "I don’t know what you're talking about, but at least I don't spit everywhere!"

"Guys?  Would you mind stopping that?"  Dennis was looking over at us from his corner of the couch.  Usually he thinks it's hilarious when Kane and I start ripping on each other, but he seems upset now.

The movie managed to hold our interest for about ten more minutes.  Then Mr. Stand Up comedian of Texas had to open his mouth again.  "You know, if Lector was in the WWF, Triple H wouldn’t have anything to worry about.  Lector would never eat him because he's gamey!  Get it?  Hunter, the GAME, gamey….Get it?"

"Excuse me…"  Dennis quickly stood up and ran for the bathroom, and all the rest of us could do was watch.