Title: Until It Sleeps (14/?)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these people, nor do I claim any of
happened. In fact, for Mark and Dennis's sake, I sure hope it didn't.
details, however, are taken from real interviews
Well, today was the day. Dennis was making chicken and I was taking
shower, trying to prepare to face my past, or at least part of it.
finished washing my hair and stepped out of the shower, turning up
the radio
as I started to brush out my hair. Damn, this was some good music!
I kept
working trough the tangles as I started to sing along. "Dragging
me down,
why you around, so useless...It ain't my fall, it's ain't my call,
it ain't
"DAMN!!!!" I was suddenly very glad for the towel wrapped around
my waist
as I stared at Maria, standing in the doorway to the bathroom.
"You could
knock, you know!"
She raised an eyebrow. "The door was open. Dennis told me
to come find
you." She gave me the once-over, and I couldn't help but blush
"Wow. You got...uhm...thick."
"Oh thanks." Wasn't my fault I used to be a skinny kid.
"Remind me to
point out all the things on YOU that have changed."
She laughed lightly. "We don't have time for all of that."
She paused.
"Oh yeah, Dennis told me that if I found you, he needed to talk to
So I guess her and Dennis have already met. "Okay." I waited.
"Uhm....would you mind leaving? I really need to put some clothes
She turned slightly red and stepped out of the bathroom. I shut
the door
and leaned against it for a moment. Damn, not even five minutes
into this
night and things are already getting weird.
I pulled on some jeans and a T-shirt and walk into the kitchen.
Dennis turned to face me, his face pale. "Mark. Look."
He pointed at a
pot sitting on top of the oven. A blacken, charred....thing...was
I looked skeptically at Dennis. "You put one of my old boots in a pot?"
Dennis looked up with one of those expressions like 'Lord help me, I'm
dealing with an idiot.' He sighed. "That's the CHICKEN,
Mark. I burnt
it. We have no dinner."
I stood there in shock for a moment, staring around the room.
Dammit dammit
dammit... "We have TV dinners," I suggested weakly.
I hadn't even heard Maria come up from behind me. "TV dinners?
I shoulda
known, coming to a house with two guys..."
"Hey, I can usually cook," Dennis protested, sounding defensive.
"I'm just
having a bad day..."
"Sure...." Maria said skeptically.
I looked back and forth between them like there was a tennis match.
Finally, I opened the freezer. "Ok, so who wants what?
We got lasagna,
chicken bok choy, french bread pizza and turkey..te...tet...Dennis,
what IS
this shit?"
"Sound it out..." Dennis and Maria say it in unison, and then
they cast
looks of annoyance at each other. Oh this is a fun night already.
"Te...Tetrazelli. Turkey tetrazelli."
"I'll take the chicken," Maria said.
"Give me the pizza, man." Dennis said, grinning evilly.
I took those out and the lasagna for myself. "You two are terrible,
know that?"
They both nod. This is gonna be a long dinner.