Real World- Part Seven

The visitor came inside.  She ran her hair through her wavy reddish
hair. It was Alannah Morely.....Adam's ex-fiancee.  She smiled brightly.

"Hi!" she said cheerfully.

"Alannah...what..are you doing here?" Adam stuttered.

"You sound disappointed....anyway...that's not the point! I came to
visit you silly...I missed you.  And then Sean told me about Real World and I
thought 'I have to visit Adam....' So I did and now I'm here!"

She gave him a hug and to his surprise and Kasy's surprise, she
kissed him fully on the lips.

Kasy gasped.  She couldn't believe what was going on right before her
eyes.  She expected Adam to pull away but much to her dismay, he kissed her
back.  He held onto Alannah tightly.

At that moment, Hunter and Mari came in to see who it was.

Mari's mouth dropped at the sight of Adam kissing another girl in
front of Kas.  'And to think I thought Adam felt something for her' she
thought sadly.

"What the hell is going on here?" Hunter interrupted loudly.

Alannah and Adam pulled away, startled.
"Well, hi Hunter!  So glad to see you!" Alannah said smiling with her
lipstick half smeared.

Hunter smiled fakily. "Well, I'm not" he muttered.  Unfortunately Alannah
heard him. She frowned.  She looked at Mari curiously.

"Hi, I'm Mari" Mari said introducing herself.

"Hi there and you are?" she said while looking at Kas who was leaning
against the wall.  Her head was down.  She was trying to not let everyone
know she was crying.

Adam jumped in.  "Alannah this" he said.

Kas looked up.  She gave a fake smile.  "Hi, Alannah."

"Well, it's so nice to meet you.  So this is Real World.  What a nice
place!" She began to examine the room.

Adam glanced at Kasy.  He regretted kissing Alannah.  He didn't
expect Alannah and when she kissed him he didn't know how to react.  At that
moment Kasy glanced at Adam.  Her eyes showed betrayal and anger.  Adam
opened his mouth to apologize, but Kasy cut him off.  She placed a finger over
his mouth.

"Fuck you Adam" she said softly and slapped him.  She turned around
and went upstairs.  Adam touched his red cheek.  He knew he deserved it.

Mari and Hunter didn't know what to say.  Mari was shocked at what
had just had happened.  Hunter on the other hand was furious.

"Can you show me to the bathroom?" Alannah interrupted sweetly.

"Mari, Hun, show her where it is before I choke her!" Hunter said in
an innocent voice.

Mari left with Alannah.  Hunter walked over to Adam.  "What the hell
is the bimbo doing here?" Hunter said in low, angry tone.

"I don't know.....she just showed up." Adam said.  "Sean told
her..about here...."

"I'm going to kick his ass after this fucking show is over!" Hunter
said angrily.

Alannah came back with Mari trailing afterwards.  Mari sighed.  She
knew this was going to be a long day.  From the walk to the bathroom and back,
Alannah non-stopped chatted.  About her, her career, Adam, Adam's career,
clothes, etc.  Mari wanted to tape her moth shut.


Kasy knocked on Jericho & Christina's room.  Jericho opened the door
and was worried when he saw Kasy crying.

"Hey what happened girl?" said Christina who was behind Jericho.

"Alannah..she kissed him...and .......he kissed her...back" Kas began.

"Oh..hun..I'm sorry...I thought he had a thing for you!" said
Christina as she hugged Kas.

"So did I" said Jericho. "Damn, why did that THING have to come?"

"Val...Sean..whatever...his name is, told her" said Kas.

"Damn..this reeks of heinosity!" he exclaimed. Kas and Christina
looked at him curiously.

"Yo..Adam is hanging too much with me!" said Chris.

"You're telling me!" said Christina.

---Back downstairs----

"So can I stay here for awhile?" asked Alannah

"What?" exclaimed Hunter.

"How long is awhile?" Mari asked curiously.

"Ooh...tonight & tomorrow night..." she said.

Mari looked at Hunter. "No!" he barked out.

"Adam..c'mon..say something..." she pleaded.

"Where would you sleep?" he asked.

"In your room of course! Where'd you think I'd sleep...the sofa?"

"How about more like the corner, you dumb ho!" Hunter remarked.

She glared at him.  "Whatever Hunty....."

Adam jumped in, once more. "I guess you can but only for today though".

"Fine, I'll leave my bag in you room."

She walked up the stairs and went into the room, that seemed like
Adam's.  It was. She picked up the photo of Adam and Kas
kissing in the club.  She frowned.  She knew it was going to take
a lot of work to get rid of the blonde & get back with Adam.

At that moment Kas walked in. "What are you doing in MY room?" she asked angrily.

"It's not your room tonight. I'm staying here 4 the night. So I
suggest you go get another room." Alannah snapped.

Kas glared at her.  She got out a small bag and threw some stuff in
it.  She walked back to Chris and Christina's room.

"The ho is spending the night!" she exclaimed.

"What?" the two Chris's said.

"U heard me...can I stay in your room for the night?"

"Sure, we are hear 4 you!" Christina said.

"So I guess we're friends again?" Kas said as she plopped down on
Jericho's bean bag.



Adam went upstairs to talk to Kas. He looked into all the rooms. He
went into their room but nothing. However he saw Alannah rifling through
Kas's drawer.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Nothing, just 'exploring.'  You know this girl is pathetic!"

"Excuse me?"

"She is....look on page 23: The way he makes me feel is different.
He's not like Trent. I feel you want me to continue?"

"She is not pathetic"

"Yes she's so sad!  Why do you put up with her?"

"I 'put up' with her because I LOVE HER!"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me I LOVE HER!" he said more loudly.

"Yeah right!" she said rollin her eyes.  "Why would you choose her over ME?"

"Because she is not conniving bitch like you!"

"How dare you Adam!" she shrieked.

"This is a free country, I can say whatever I want.  Now get the hell out!"

"You're kicking me out?!"

"Yeah!  Are you demented?  G-E-T O-U-T!" he said slowly as if he were
talking to someone stupid.

"What about my stuff?"

"It's easy!"  He opened the window grabbed her small suitcase and
flung it out the window.

"You asshole!"

"Fuck you babe!"

"Yeah you wish.  You were never a good lay anyway!"

"That's not what Kas said last night!  In fact she seemed content.
She was so tired, that she slept in!"

Alannah got redder and madder by the second.  She shrieked a bit and
stormed out of the house.

---In Christina/Jericho's room----

The three jumped at the sound of a thud, and slamming of a door.

"What the fuck was that?" Jericho wondered out loud.

"I don't know but I want to know what is going on!" said Christina.

The two left, Kas stayed saying she didn't want to see Adam.  They
met up with Hunter and Mari who were still covered in batter, in the
kitchen.  There was batter everywhere.  On the sink, the fridge, and
most of all on Mari.

"What did you guys do in here?"exclaimed Christina.

"We were just having fun..." said Mari.

Hunter hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek.

"Awwwww" said Jericho.

"Anyways, what happened with Adam & Alannah?" asked Christina.

"We have no clue.  They went upstairs, they argued & she stormed out
of here!" said Mari.

"We came to see if you guys knew.."

"Oh, ah well we didn't" said Hunter.

Kasy came down shocked by the batter mess.  She dipped her finger in
what was left in the bowl and licked it.

"Yummy" she noted and got a bottle of iced tea from the fridge.

Adam came down, still upset from the whole ordeal.  He saw Kasy,
grabbed her and pulled her to the patio mumbling that 'they needed to talk'.

Jericho figured his Canadian friend had a good idea, and did the
same. He grabbed Christina's arm and pulled her to the hall.

Mari just shrugged at Hunter, who picked her up by her waist, hoisted
her on the counter and proceeded to make out with her.

----At the patio----

"What the hell Adam?  When did you decide to go all caveman on me?"

"I have to confess something"

"Fine, you have 5 minutes"

"Well...." he began.

----In the hall------

"Jerky, look, I know what you're gonna say but I-" she was cut
off as Jericho kissed her on the lips.  They pulled away.  Christina was
shocked.  'Maybe he does love me' she hoped.

Is Adam going to tell the truth to Kasy? Will Christina eeeeeeeeveeeerrr
realize the fact the Jerky..*ahem*...Jericho really does love her? And will
Mari and Hunter ever stop kissing? Stay tuned for this & more on the next
episode of Real World: Las Veags on MTV, Tuesdays at the 10 spot.