Real World- Part 4

The next morning, Kas came down the stairs to make some coffee. It was around
8:30 .A.M., so no one was up yet. She had tried to talk to Adam and explain
everything, but he wouldn't listen. He told her that he didn't want to talk
to a conniving little bitch like her. As she made coffee, the phone rang. Kas
made a dash for it before anyone woke up.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hi, hun, it's me Trent!"

"Trent....hi...." she said slowly. With what was going on, she really didn't
want to hear from him.

"What's wrong? You don't sound to happy to hear from me."

'No, it's not  that....I just woke up" she lied.

"I hope I'm not calling to early.

"Nah, what's up?" she said.

"Um, I don't know how to say this....."


"I don't think we should see eachother"

"But why?" her heart began to race as the thought of him seeing her kiss Adam
in the club.

"Because, there's someone else in my life"

"What?" she exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Kas, really I am, her name is Helena, she's in my psych class.
She's great. She just moved to Canada."

"Oh god" Kas groaned.

"I didn't want it to end this way. But I didn't want to hurt you by lieing
and saying that I still love you".

"Uh huh"

"Are you mad?"

"No, I messed with one of my roomies".

"So I guess we're even" he said laughing.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

"So, that's why I called. You take care of yourself out there,ok?"

"Yeah, you too,bye Trent"


She hung up the phone and sighed. She looked up to find Jericho, Mari and
Hunter staring at her.

"What are y'all doing up?"

"I heard you talking. I guess you forgot I was sleeping in the sofa"

"Oh, I'm sorry Chris"

"It's ok"

"So that was Trent?" asked Hunter.

"Yeah, we broke up." she said.

"Ooh, I'm sorry Kas" said Mari while giving her a hug.

"I'm not sure whether I'm happy or sad" she said.

"Give it figure out your feelings" said Hunter.

"Yeah, so are y'all hungry?"


"I wanna make breakfast"

"U can cook?" asked Hunter.

"Yeah I can. "Besides, I want you guys to help anyway!"

"Fine" they all agreed.

Everything was going smoothly until Jericho forgot to check on the eggs. The
oil began to overheat and and the whole frying pan went on fire.

"Oh my god!We're going to burn down our house!" exclaimed Mari.

"What do I do?" screamed Jericho.

"A towel! I need a towel!" screamed Kas. Hunter threw a towel to her and she
ran to the stove. Adam came down with Christina because they heard all the

"Oh my god" Christina said with her eyes wide open.

"Holy shit!" Adam swore as he saw Kas turn off the stove and smothered the
pan with the towel. In the midst of Kas playing firefighter, she burned her

"Fucking crap!" she swore after everything was finished. Mari took the pan
and put in the sink. Christina and Hunter began to clean up, while Chris just
stood there in shock.

"Here, let me see that" said Adam while Kas had her hand in the bathroom sink
while cold water ran down on it.

"Why do you even care?" she asked bitterly.

"I used to burn myself when I was younger, trying to cook. I know how you
feel" he said softly.


He wrapped a cold towel around her hand and accidentally pressed it on the

'Owwww!" shrieked Kas.

"Sorry" he said sheepishly.

The two of them made there way back into the kitchen. The rest of the crew
finished cleaning up. Jericho walked up to Kas and apologized profusely.

"I'm sorry Kas. I didn't mean to."

"It's ok, let's just get dressed and we'll go out for breakfast".

They got dressed and piled into Hunter's Ford Expedition. They went to
McDonald's and had breakfast there.

As they ate, they made small talk. Adam, who was still mad about the whole
Trent thing, decied to ask Kas about him.

"So, Kasandra, how's your boyfriend" he said innocently.

"What boyfriend?" she mumbled.

"Oh, don't play stupid, how's Trent?" he snapped

"Happy, now that we've broken up!" she snapped back

"You broke up with him because of me?"

"No! He started to see somebody else while I was here."

Hunter began to choke on his biscuit. "He was cheating on you?" he said

"Her name is Helena, she just moved to Canada, she's in his psych class" Kas

"Oh, I'm sorry" said Adam quietly.

"Why do you care Adam? Are you happy that I'm alone now?! At least when I
kissed you I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing. He did!" she
exclaimed. She began to cry. Kas got up, jumped out of her seat and ran to
the bathroom.

While she was in the bathroom, she banged her hand against the wall.
Unfortunately it was the same hand that was burned. She yelped in pain.

She sat on the floor crying. She didn't know why she was so upset. She
should've been happy, now she could be with Adam, but with him acting like an
asshole, she didn't even want to be near him.

Mari got up and went to check on Kas.

"Kas, are you ok?" she said softly.

"No, I just  hit my burned hand..."


"You can say that again!" Kas said laughing a bit. "He gets me so fucking
mad, it was an accident, I was drunk!" she said.

"I know, but he's hurt. Give it time, everything will work out. Besides he
can't hate you that much, he helped you with your hand when Jericho set the
eggs on fire!" she said giggling.

Kas began to laugh and then both of them were in hysterics. Kas got up and so
did Mari. "I feel better now" she said.

"Good, now let's go, our food must be cold".

They walked back to their seats, where Hunter was telling them about the time
he burned coffee.

"It came out all gooey and slimey" Hunter said. He noticed Mari and Kas
looking at him strangely.

"Hey girls! You ok?"

"Yeah" said Kas with a smile.

After Hunter finushed his tale and finished eating they decided just to go
for a drive and relax. They drove around Las Vegas and they decided to go to
Meadows Mall. As they drove there, Adam began to talk to Kas.

"Hey Kas, I'm real sorry" he whispered.

Kas shuddered as he felt him breathe down her neck, however she tried to
think nothing of it.

"Sorry?For what?" she said.

"For calling you a bitch and I didn't let you explain to me either".

"It's ok, I should apologize for yelling at ya like I did."

"Apology accepted."

"Friends?" she asked, while she extended her hand.

"Maybe more" he said as he gave her a wicked little smile and shook her hand.

--------------At the mall----------------

"Let's go to Macy*s" said Christina.

"Ok" said Mari.

"Well...I wanted to go to Old Navy" said Kas.

"How about we split up and we all meet in the foodcourt in say..." she looked
at her watch. It was 11:00. "Let's meet up at 1:00 for lunch ok?"

"O" they said and they all split up. Adam went with Kas to Old Navy, while
Mari and Hunter went to the GAP and Christina and Jericho went to Macy*s.