Real World Part Three

Kasy paced around downstairs, wondering what Christina had gotten herself up to.  "Are you
dead up there?"  she yelled.

Adam chimed in.  "We wanna go get food!!!!  Come ON!!!!"

Upstairs, Christina was wiping her eyes and trying very hard to repress the urge to kill both
Jericho and Mari.  After all, killing them wouldn't solve anything, because then she'd be in jail, probably sharing a cell with some truck driver named Large Marge, and Mari and Jericho would be together an heaven....  "I'll be down in a second!" she yelled down the steps, quickly washing her face and fixing her makeup.

"What's wrong?"  asked Kasy as Christina came down the stairs.

"Nothing...I'm fine...really...."  Christina said, smiling fakely.

Kasy titled her head in skepticism.  "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure.  I'm FINE, really, can we just go now?"

Kass shrugged and led her shopping companions out to the car.  She was driving, and Adam sat up front with her, claiming he was too tall to fit in the back.  He kept playing with all the buttons on the car and almost pulled the emergency brake a few times, much to Kasy's dismay.  Christina just looked on in amusement, although her mind was off in the distance.  She couldn't stop thinking about Mari and Jericho....  *Maybe it's for the better....he would never like me.*  Finally the car slammed to a stop.  "Adam, if you stopped the car in the middle of the damn street, I will kill you."  she said.

"Nope, we're here at good old Wal-Mart!"  Kasy said, a little bit too cheerfully.  Adam seemed to like it though, and the two skipped into the store, Christina following behind and shaking her head.

When they got in the store, Kas grabbed a cart and pushed it over into the food section.  "Let's see....what do we need....well, we need cereal...milk...."

Adam stopped and crossed his arms over his chest.  "Aww, all that stuff is boring!"

Kasy turned to look at him.  "Well I'm sorry if our food is to dull for you.  Maybe you should go somewhere more exciting then..."

She had been kidding, but Adam quickly brightened.  "Yeah, I gotta go get some film!"  He ran off to the other end of the store, the two girls watching him in confusion.  Then. they shrugged and went on with their shopping.  They got an assortment of food, much of which lead to an argument because Kasy wanted Mountain Dew and Christina wanted Diet Coke, or they couldn't decide what yogurt flavor....and then they remembered none of the six of them liked yogurt.

Meanwhile, in the electronics department, Adam was lost.  Totally lost.  He had picked up two three-packs of film, but couldn't find a register.  He saw a smilely face and looked up at it.  "Can you tell me where my friends are?"  The smilely face didn't respond, but the security man standing in the next aisle started to get a bit suspicious.

Back at the shopping cart, Kas was looking critically at Christina.  "Are you ever going to tell me what's going on?"

Christina sighed and turned to look at her.  "I saw Chris and Mari making out."

" what?"

"So what?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!  What do you mean 'so what'?  I really LIKE Chris, and I thought he liked me, but I guess not."

Kas patted her shoulder.  "Don't worry, just see how things work out.  Hey, if worst comes to worse, you could always take Hunter..."

Christina giggled at the idea.  "Now there's a good alternative.  I got a back-up now."

A strange look crossed Kasy's face.  "Yeah...I guess that's a good thing to have..."

Christina leaned on the shopping cart, giving Kas her best 'attitude' look.  "Ok, what's up?"

Kasy sighed.  "I...uhm...I have a boyfriend at home."

Christina looked in the general direction that Adam traveled off on.  "Coulda fooled me."

"Yeah well....I love Trent, that's my boyfriend, really I do, but...I think I'm starting to have feelings for Adam."

*** By the front door ***

Adam stood staring at the vending machine.  "So this would be Sam's Choice soda, then.  Well that reeks of unfairness.  Who gave Sam the right to choose my soda?"  He turned to a young woman walking by with a toddler. "Do you want Sam choosing YOUR soda?"  The woman just ran away, but Adam kept going.  "You know, the Rock says he's the people's champion...but I'm a person and I never got to vote.....wait a sec, that's it!"  He jumped up onto the bench, standing on top of it.  "The Rock is Sam!!!  I figured it out!!!!!"

He stopped yelling when the security guard from electronic grabbed his arm.  "Sir, you're going to have to come with me."

*** Back in the grocery department ***

"Maybe you should just give it some time...maybe not flirt with Adam so much for awhile.  If you still like him, maybe you need to think over how you feel about Trent."  Christina was very much enjoying playing the wise one to Kasy.

"You're probably right...hey is that Adam?!" Kas exclaimed as she saw the blonde being dragged by a big burly man in a security uniform.

The man stopped in front of them.  "He claims to belong to you two."

Adam grinned sheepishly at them.  "Hi guys."

Kas and Christina explained to the guard that Adam was slightly goofy, paid for their food and his film, and got in the car to go home.

When they got back to the house, they found Hunter standing in front of the microwave, watching his slice of pizza revolve around and around.  "Did the appliances steal your food again?" asked Adam jokingly.

Hunter glared at him in annoyance.  "No, what happened was some stupid Canadian decided the pizza 'totally reeked of awesomeness' and nearly ate the whole thing.  I had to hide this slice in the refrigerator so you wouldn't get to it."

"Oh," Adam said sheepishly.  It was then he, Christina, and Kasy noticed the two other people in the kitchen.  Mari sat at the table, shooting looks at Jericho that, well, if looks could kill, "The Real World" might experience its first on-air funeral.  Chris, for his part, was sitting on the kitchen counter trying, I repeat, trying to ignore Mari and act like nothing out of the ordinary was going on.

While Christina glared at both Mari and Chris, and Kasy looked to see if any more leftover pizza was hidden somewhere, Adam picked up the paper.  "Hey, look at this, there's a club, something called The Voodoo Lounge  , nearby, we should go there tonight!"

"Uhm, I'm not sure if I'm up to that." Mari said hesitantly.  Jericho and Christina agreed with her.

"Aww, come on, don't be wet blankets, have a little fun!!!" said Kas enthusiastically.  "Look, me and Adam are going with or without you guys."

Hunter sighed.  "I guess I better go to then to make sure you two don't do anything dumb."

Christina smirked at Mari.  "I'll keep you company, Hunter."

Mari glared at both of them.  "Fine, I'll come too."  Jericho trailed after her, wondering what the hell was going on.

*** At The Voodoo Lounge  ***

Christina giggled as she swirled the alcohol in her glass.  "God, I love this stuff, good for," she hiccuped, "forgetting."

"Yeah, I'll say."  Kasy answered, sipping at her drink.

Hunter and Jericho looked at her nervously.  "Uhm, Kasy, aren't you kinda like, underage?"  asked Hunter.

"Yeah, but who gives a fuck?"  Kas stuck her tongue out at Hunter, who only rolled his eyes.  Adam came up behind her and abruptly pulled her out of her chair and led her to the dance floor.

The music was overly loud and the lights were alternating between too dark and too bright, but that didn't stop Adam and Kas from bumping and grinding like crazy.  At one point, influenced by the provocative music and alcohol haze, pulled Adam in for a kiss, and they remained like that, their bodies moving in perfect time with one another as their mouths pressed together.

At the table, Hunter laughed and snapped some pictures with his camera and the film Adam bought.  Mari glanced over at him.  "You're drunk too, aren't you?"

"Nahh...."  Hunter slurred.  "I didn't have more'n a few...I'm fiiiiiine."  He took another drink of his beer and continued to snap pictures.

Back on the floor, Christina and Chris were dancing together, and the tequila had given her courage to be aggressive.  "I'll show you, who you belong to.." she said quietly.

"Huh? I didn't hear you..."  Chris said, but was cut off when he felt someone caressing his chest.  Apparently during his distraction, Christian had worked her hands up under his shirt and was having fun.   Slowly, she slipped her hands out and began to undo the buttons on his shirt.  She pushed it off his shoulder, letting it slip to the round.  Neither of them noticed the lights from the flash on Hunter's camera.

A bouncer approached the table Mari was sitting at.  "Ma'am, your friends are becoming a disturbance to the other people here, perhaps you should take them home."

Mari sighed.  "Hunter, can you round them up?"

Hunter stood.  "Kasy!  Adam! Chris and Christina!  Free booze over in the car!"

The six of them all rushed to the car and Mari drove them home.

*** Back Home ***

"Hehehehe....that was really fun at the bar..." Kasy giggled.

The others nodded their agreement.  "Hey Christina, you seemed to be having fun stripping Jericho out there...why don't we all play strip poker?"  suggested Hunter.

Chris, Kasy, Hunter, Christina, and Adam started a game while Mari, shaking her head at their silliness, wandered into the kitchen.  Jericho lost the first hand and was removing his shirt when Mari ran back in.  "You guys...aww shit, you can't deal with this guys need to go to bed, we have to talk in the morning."

"And what if we don't wanna go to bed?"  asked Adam.

Mari put her hands on her hips and glared at them.  "All of you!  Bedtime!!!"

Drunk out of their minds, the group shuffled off to bed, Hunter muttering "Yes, mommy" on the way.

*** The next morning ***

Kasy was one of the first people to wake up.  Moaning, she went downstairs where she found Mari making coffee and Adam popping Tylenol.  She grabbed the bottle from him and swallowed a few herself as Chris stumbled down the stairs.  "Anyone know where Christina ended up last night?"  he asked.

"No, what do you mean?"  Kasy mumbled.

"She said something about not wanting to be in the same room as me last night, then she left and I don't know where she went..."

Meanwhile, Hunter was in the bathroom, splashing water on his face and trying not to vomit, when he heard a small groan behind him.  He turned around to see Christina lying in the bathtub, apparently just waking up.  She looked around and muttered.  "Dammit...this is why I don't drink, I always end up somewhere strange."

Hunter and Christina went downstairs and joined the rest of the group down at the table where after some coffee, they were at least coherent, if not exactly alert.

Mari sighed.  "Guys, there was a message on the machine last night....Vince, as in you guys' boss, saw live footage from last night and he is really pissed.  He said you gave the WWF a bad name and he's, quote, 'uncertain about the future of your contracts.'  So I think there may be a problem."

Hunter rubbed his eyes.  "Let me call him...I'll get this straightened out..."

While Hunter was on the phone, Christina, Adam, and Kasy were going through the pictures from Hunter's Polaroid.  Kasy saw the ones of her and Adam making our and got worried.  She had been so out of it....she hadn't MEANT to do anything to cheat on Trent, it had just...happened.

Christina, for her part, was a bit crankier than her fellow hangover sufferers due to the fact that on top of an awful headache, she also was suffering from neck pain from sleeping in the bathtub.  "Hey Kas, what do you think Trent would say if he saw those pictures?"

Kasy stared at her in shock as Adam asked.  "Who's Trent?"

Christina laughed, not yet realizing her mistake.  "Her boyfriend, silly."

Adam turned to Kasy.  "You have a boyfriend?  So what was last night?  Were you just leading me on?  Were you using me to get rid of this Trent guy?"

Kasy stood up.  "Adam, I can explain..."

Adam got up.  "Forget it.  I don't want to hear it."  He walked upstairs.

Kasy whirled to face Christina.  "You bitch!  How could you do that to me?  I trusted you....I thought we were friends."

Christina glared back at her.  "Yeah, well I was trying to help you.  It's really wrong of you to go throwing yourself at Adam if you're with someone already....I was just trying to stop it before it got too far and you got really mad at yourself."

Kasy's reply was cut off by Hunter hanging up the phone.  "Vince said he'll give us another chance if we shape no one is fired yet."  Jericho, watching the action from the other side of the table, let out a sigh of relief.

*** Later that day ***

The group was sitting down for dinner, this time actual food instead of pizza.  However, the table was very quiet as Adam wasn't talking to Kasy, Kasy wasn't talking to Christina, and Christina was still suffering a neck cramp and didn't want to talk to anyone.

As Chris passed the butter container to Mari, their hands brushed for just an instant.  It was enough to spark the fire that had been smoldering inside Christina all day.  "Look, what exactly is going on here?"  she said loudly.  When everyone looked at her in confusion, she continued.  "Ever since you came here, Mari, you have acted like the Queen bitch, and I SAW what happened between you and Chris."

Chris just sat there in shock, as he had through just about all the confrontations.  Mari started to protest.  "Look.."

"I don't want to hear it!  I came here, thinking I could get away from the kind of people who just stab you in the back, but I guess not.  I know you're just gonna deny everything, Mari, and I don't want to hear it cuz it'll just be lies and I have been lied to my entire life and I'm not gonna take it anymore."  With that she ran out of the room.

A uncomfortable silence passed over the table, until Jericho muttered "I guess I should go talk to her..." and got up and left.

Christina had grabbed the cordless phone and locked herself in the closet.  She was now curled up next to a pile of blanket talking to her best friend.  "Yeah...'Ria, I did it again...I fell in love with someone who doesn't like me....No, I don't know why this keeps happening....I hate this so much....."  She heard a pounding on the door.  "I have to go now 'Ria.....yeah, I'll tell him...."  She hung up the phone.  "What do you want?"

"C'mon, we need to talk."  Chris said through the door.

"Go away!"  Christina yelled.  "If you want to be with Mari, go, have fun.  I just don't care!"

Jericho sighed and walked back to the kitchen for some more coffee.

That night, when Christina finally came out of hiding, she went to grab a pillow out of her room to make the bathtub more comfortable, but Chris stopped her, picking up his own pillow and blanket.  "Look, if you don't want to share a room, that's fine, but in the interest of fairness, we can take turns."  He walked out of the room, going downstairs and curling up on the couch.

Later on, as Jericho lie awake, thinking about the two incredibly odd women he apparently had fighting over him, he heard a noise.  He looked up and Christina stood in front of him.  Her eyes were puffy from crying and in her large t-shirt and shorts, she looked even smaller than her actual five feet.  "Chris...I'm sorry about earlier."  She said quietly.  "I had no right to expect you to feel for me what I did for you.  If you really like Mari, then you can be with her.  I'm really sorry for acting like a spoiled brat."  Jericho opened his mouth to protest, but she cut him off.  "Don't...don't say anything.  I'm going back to bed...I just wanted to apologize."  She ran upstairs, trying not to start crying again, leaving a very confused Chris behind.