Misting of "Good Enough"

We're back....hehehehe. Here's part 3 of mine and Mari's Misting of my "Turn To You Series." In case you've forgotten, our little cast of demons...uhm..I mean characters....
Mr.EdMuse: Hola!!!! Are you ready for my Latino Heat???
HunterMuse: No Eddie...they most definitely aren't
JerichoMuse: *peeks out from under table* Is he gone??
JeffMuse: *grinning evilly* Sure he is, Jerktina...
ChristianMuse: We gotta read more of this thing? That totally scraps the bowels of sucktitude....
<<Title: Good Enough (Part Three)
Author: Chris F.
Rating: PG-13
CONTENT WARNING: not much in this part. Language I think. >>>
ChristianMuse: Well that's a refreshing change...
JerichoMuse: You're telling me!
<<Hunter and Chris sat in the locker room, alone, laughing as they changed from their wrestling gear into their street clothes. Jericho, wearing only a towel around his waist, plopped down into Hunter's jean-clad lap. "You were soooo sexy out there tonight." he purred.>>
HunterMuse: Why thank you!!!
<<Hunter smiled down at him. "You looked pretty good yourself. That "Walls of Jericho" move you have....your facial expression is so interesting when you do it..." >>
JeffMuse: Yeah, looks like you're....*looks at glares coming from everyone*...I'll shut up now..
<<Chris laughed. "You want to do a little wall-breaking right now?" When Hunter didn't respond, he went on to say "oh come on, no one's here, no one will see us, let's have some fun. We've both been too tired to do anything lately...">>
Mr. EdMuse: No, he's not REALLY tired...just tired of you...
JerichoMuse: And the abuse starts again....
<<Hunter abruptly stood up, sending Chris crashing to the floor. "What, you like talking it in the ass?" he said, his tone dark and menacing.>>
JeffMuse: Considering what happened on your birthday, I'd say he does....
<<Chris pushed himself backwards on the floor. "No....no....this can't be happening...NO!!!!">>
Mr.EdMuse: Yes! Yes! Get him Helmsly!!!
HunterMuse: HUNTER! It's HUNTER!!!!
<<Hunter moved to pin him to the floor. "There's no getting away now...">>
ChristianMuse: I have a weak stomach, I don't know if I can take another rape scene...
<<*** Hunter's POV ***>>
JerichoMuse: You know....there's those damn stars again....
<<"No!" Chris screams, his body thrashing everywhere. One arm flies out and hits me and that's when I move over to hold him down. "Chris! Chris, wake up....">>
Mr.EdMuse: *as Hunter* It's time for school...
JeffMuse: *as Jericho* Aww...five more minutes mom...
<<His eyes snap open and for a moment he is still terrified. Slowly though, his eyes focus and he relaxes. "Sorry, I...uhm.."
"Chris, what's going on? This is the third time now that you've woken up in panic..."
Chris took a deep breath and let it out. "Nothing's going on...I just haven't been feeling well the past couple days and I guess it's causing me to have strange dreams.">>
JerichoMuse: Maybe it was something I ate.....
<<I held my hand on his forehead and sure enough, he did feel a little warm. "If you're sick, maybe you shouldn't wrestle today. Ask Vince if you can just do a run-in or something.">>
ChristianMuse: And you'll know HOW to do a run-in cuz me and Edge defined one!!!
<<Chris shook his head. "I'm ok to fight, really. I think it's just a little bug or something. Anyways, I can't just back out on my match this close to the show. I know you wouldn't.">>
Mr.EdMuse: Well that's cuz he's stupid..
JerichoMuse: WHAT?!?!?!?! Did I just hear you insult someone who wasn't me????
<<He has a point there. So, I just sigh and get on with the day. We give up on getting any sleep and go get breakfast. Later on we show up at the arena, where I looked at the booking sheet. "Oh. Oh this is just great.">>
JeffMuse: What's wrong Hunter? You forget to use the hot rollers?
HunterMuse: I show up one time...ONE TIME....with a little bounce in my hair and all of a sudden you guys won't leave me alone...
<<"What?" Chris asked from behind me. "What's going on?">>
ChristianMuse: Hot roller, don't you remember?
Jericho: *in semi-psychotic frustration* I am slowly going crazy....
<<"We're facing each other tonight. >>
Mr.EdMuse: OOO! Kinky!!!
JerichoMuse: 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch....
<<"Don't worry about it." Chris soothed. "You've worked matches with the Rock and they looked good, compared to that making me look good while I'm sick should be a breeze." >>
Mr.EdMuse: Hey! that Rock guy is TALENTED!!!! He's got that eyebrow...and stuff...
JerichoMuse: Crazy going slowly am I....
<<"I guess you're right...." With a kiss good-bye, I left to go over my scenes with Stephanie and Chris headed to the locker room.>>
All except Hunter: Have fun with the brutal, bottom-feeding, trashbag ho!
Jericho: 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch....*breaks out of frustration* Hey! So I see, you guys can rip on me, but then you use my lines, is that it??
Mr.EdMuse: He can be taught!!!!
<<*** Jericho's POV ***>>
All except Jericho and Hunter groan
<<This match is going to be so much fun tonight! >>
ChristianMuse: Glad you're excited.
<<I can barely concentrate on what's in front of me, and now I have to be in a match with the one person who will KNOW something's off and won't let me hear the end of it. >>
Mr.EdMuse: Looks like someone got into DX's secret stash.....
HunterMuse: Not funny.....
<< I dropped down onto the bench, shivering slightly with the recollection of wood beneath me,>>
ChristianMuse: *giggles uncontrollably*
JeffMuse: *through laughter* Jericho, you can't use the word "wood": in a slash fic! Now Christian's never gonna stop laughing..
Mr.EdMuse: *stops for a moment to think* EWW! You two are sick! I was thinking of the Dudleys till you two got all perverted..
<< and say a weak "hi" to Eddie and Sean.>>
JerichoMuse: Revenge time....
<<Eddie keeps me distracted with his chatter about where he and Joanie went for dinner last night, and what they had to eat, >>
JerichoMuse: ...and how afterward he continued his role as Joanie's total slave...
<<and how they found the most INTERESTING little store where they got this massage oil....>>
HunterMuse: Why would you need massage oil....Eddie, do you have something to tell us??
Mr.EdMuse: SHUT UP!!!!
<<soon he has both me and Sean, who's still moping around over Kane, laughing despite ourselves. >>
JerichoMuse: Eddie, just seeing you is enough to send people into fits of laughter...
ChristianMuse: That was kind of a lame diss....
<<I left the locker room, intending to go talk to Joanie, when I heard Eddie whisper loudly "Hey Sean!" I paused in the hallway to listen to their conversation.>>
JeffMuse: Hey, didn't anyone ever tell you eavesdropping is wrong?
JerichoMuse: Well didn't anyone ever tell YOU that incest was wrong?
ChristianMuse: Ouch....total burn....
<<Sean's voice. "Yeah Eddie?">>
HunterMuse: *as Eddie* Does my butt look big in these pants?
<<"You notice anything weird about Chris?">>
Mr.EdMuse: What a stupid question!!! There's ALWAYS something weird about Chris!
JerichoMuse: Eddie...you asked the question....
<<"Yeah, he's acting... I don't know....like something's going on that he's not telling us about. Hunter mentioned it too last night, but he said Chris isn't talking." >>
Mr.EdMuse: He's not talking and we're complaining????
<<Eddie paused, then said hesitantly "You think we should talk to him?"
"I don't know, he might kill us or something. If he won't talk to Hunter, I don't think he's gonna talk to us."
"You don't know that..." Eddie's voice faded as I walked away. >>
JerichoMuse: Yeah, you guys are boring...
<< Shit! Even Eddie and Sean could see through my act...I'm gonna have to get better at this before Hunter figures me out.>>
HunterMuse: I am Hunter, Master Detective...and I am...
All except Hunter: Strong like bull...yeah yeah, we know...
<<As I walked down the hallway, I bumped into Chris Benoit. "Sorry..." I said, but he just gave me this stare.....this very very odd stare.....that made my stomach drop to about the bottom of my shoes. I quickly shook off the feeling and went on walking.>>
JeffMuse: At least it wasn't as bad as Perry Saturn's odd stare....
<<*** Hunter's POV ***>>
Mr.EdMuse: Finally, a voice of near sanity!
<<I walked to the ring accompanied by Stephanie and the boos of the crowd. Chris was already in the ring, waiting for me. The match started off good, if not as spectacular as our earlier contests. That is, until I went for the Pedigree. He was scripted to reverse it, but he didn't, just went with the move. Panicked, I started to taunt him, even turning my back on him...hoping he would realize his mistake and get up. Unfortunately, he didn't, and I had no choice but to pin him, ending the match.>>
JeffMuse: *as Jericho* Whoopsie!!!!!!!!
<<When we got to the backstage area, I turned around to face him. "Chris, now you aren't gonna tell me you just screwed up the match and nothing's wrong. What the hell is going on?">>
ChristianMuse: *as Jericho* Hunter...I'm screwing your brother...
HunterMuse: I don't HAVE a brother...
<<He glared back at me. "I told you. Nothing is wrong, I was tired and I forget to reverse the move. I'm really sorry. If you want,. I'll go explain to Vince that it was my fault..." >>
ChristianMuse: Now that's love...sacrificing yourself to your boss....
<<He started to walk away, but I caught his arm and held him in place. "No, you aren't going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong. Chris, I don't know why you won't trust me enough to tell me what's going on....">>
JeffMuse: We don't know why he won't trust you either, but we wish he would so we can get this over with...
<<"Let go of me." he said quietly. I didn't release my hold. "Dammit Hunter, let me go!!!" he yelled, wrenching his arm away from me. "Look, I don't know why you won't believe me, but nothing's going on and I'd really appreciate it if you stopped asking.">>
Mr.EdMuse: Damn Chris, you want some Midol????
JerichoMuse: Why? Do you have some?
Mr.EdMuse: *blushing* They were Mammacita's....
<<I shook my head in frustration. "Fine. I've about had enough of this anyways. You want to talk, you know where the room is. Right now I don't really have the patience to deal with this." >>
ChristianMuse: I think Hunter over here needs some Midol too.....
<<I walked away from them only to run into Stephanie. "Where are you going Hunter?" she asked.>>
HunterMuse: Oh God, it's the perm queen....
<<"I'm going back to my hotel...look, this isn't a good time right now Steph..." I said with annoyance.>>
JeffMuse: Who's annoyance?
<<Stephanie crossed her arms over her chest. "Why, because you had a fight with your loverboy over there?">>
Jeff and Christian Muses: Everybody's working for the weekend.....
JerichoMuse: Ok, now THAT has to be the worst joke I've ever....eeeeever heard.
<<God, I swear, if she wasn't a woman I would severely hurt her. >>
JerichoMuse: Don't let her gender stop you!!!
<<"Look, you stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours. You're the last thing I want to deal with right now."
"Excuse me?"
Oh yeah, I forgot, no one's ever spoken back to Princess Stephanie. "You heard me. Now get out of my way so I can leave.">>
JeffMuse: Yeah, let the poor man go!
<<"Oh hell no..." >>
Mr.EdMuse: AHH!! She's turned into Stone Cold!!!
HunterMuse: But Eddie....you've never even worked with Stone Cold....
<<Stephanie got directly in front of me to totally block my path. "You are going to listen to me whether you like it or not. Why the hell are you with that guy anyway...it seems he doesn't want you....why don't you come back with me and we can forget all about this?">>
ChristianMuse: Hell hasn't frozen over yet....
<<I don't even believe this. "I would never....and I mean NEVER leave Jericho and if I did.... I wouldn't get back with you, you...how does it go again...brutal, bottom-feeding, trash bag ho.">>
JerichoMuse: *cuddling up to Hunter* My hero....
Mr.EdMuse: Say it with me now...
Jeff, Christian, and Eddie Muses: Gag me with a spoon!!!!!
<<Steph's eyes widened in shock. "What???"
"You heard me bitch." I growled, and stormed off.>>
All: You go Hunter!!!
<<"Hunter...HUNTER!!! Don't you DARE walk out while I'm talking to you...." I could hear Stephanie yelling after me, but I kept walking, even when her voice got quiet and menacing. I really didn't care what she was saying...after all, what was she gonna do to me?>>
Mr.EdMuse: Oh...you have no idea...
JerichoMuse: No fair!! You read ahead!!!!
<<*** Jericho's POV ***>>
ChristianMuse: Noooooooo........
<<I walked into the locker room in a huff. Almost everyone had left already, but I was too angry to notice the eerie silence that grew as each person left. >>

Mr. EdMuse: dododododododododo...
JerichoMuse: What was that???
Mr.EdMuse: Theme from "Twilight Zone"
<<I had just slammed my locker shut when I saw Chris Benoit enter, and belatedly I realized we were the only two in the room. >>
JeffMuse: Ahh!! He's gonna get you with his claws!!!
ChristianMuse: No Jeff...that's the other Wolverine...the hot one...
<<My palms started sweating before he even did anything, and it just got worse when he walked up to me, smiling his trademark gap-toothed smile.>>
Mr.EdMuse: That man needs some dentures...
<< "Hi Chris." I moved to one side to get passed him, but his arm shot out, trapping me on that side. "Where do you think you're going? You and I have something to talk about...." >>
JeffMuse: Let's give 'em something to talk about...how about love...love...love...
JerichoMuse: *sniffling* I'm a-scared...
HunterMuse: *holds Jericho* It's ok....I'm sure Chris F. wouldn't let anything TOO bad happen to you...
JerichoMuse: Oh suuuuuuuure she wouldn't..........