Shane woke up first. A moment of disorientation passed before he realized where he was and who he was with. As gently as he could, he untangled himself from Sean's arms and got dressed. While he was slipping his shirt on, he heard a quiet noise behind him. He turned around to see Sean sitting in bed with a small smile "Not planning to run out on me, are you?" he asked, only half-joking.
" could I, that was...incredible last night." He stopped. "I think this is the first time I've been happy since....I don't know how long."
"Me too." Sean got out of bed and began to get dressed himself. When he went to pull a shirt out of his bag, he head a small gasp from Shane. "Hey...what is it?"
"The shirt...Andrew was wearing one like it...when he...." he stopped.
Sean went over to hold the shaking man. "'s ok, he's gone now..." When Shane had calmed, Sean lead him over to the table at sat down across from him. "Shane, you need help. There are places you can go..."
"Do you think I'm a psycho? Is that is?"
"No, of course not. It's just hard for me to see you hurting like this and..I want you to get better." Sean's voice slipped down to a painful whisper "I love you."
Shane's hostility melted away with Sean's confession. "I love you too." he whispered back, and the two sat there in silence until Sean popped p, showing signs of his usual energy, and suggested they go out to lunch.
Shane walked in the door to the apartment he and Sean shared and kissed his lover. "Having fun there?"
Sean sat on the floor, trying to put together a puzzle. "Hi. How was group?"
"Pretty good...there was a new member today and it was really kinda scary how much he reminded me of myself."
Sean got up from his puzzle to look at Shane. "And the doctor?"
"Doctor?" An evil grin shone on Shane's face.
"Oh come on, don't play with me like that."
Shane laughed, his smile getting brighter. "I'm all clear. Looks like your ass will be getting a break for awhile."
They kissed their way into the bedroom, removing various articles of clothing, until they were sprawled out on the bed. "You sure you're ready?" asked Sean.
"Bring it on, big boy."
Later that night, Shane lay in Sean's arms. "Hey Sean?"
"Yeah babe?" Sean was half-asleep.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Everything. I rejected you, you came back. I got hurt, you saved me. I fell, you caught me. I broke down, you put me back together. I don't know where I'd be without you."
Sean smiled. "It was my pleasure, love. Now go to sleep, you here?"
Shane closed his eyes, smiling. "I love you."
"I love you more."
"No I love YOU more!"
And I thank you
For bringing me here
For showing me home
For singing these tears
Finally I've found that I
Belong here
-"Home", Depeche Mode