Title: Head Over Feet- Just Us Two

Eddie glanced at his best friend Chris, and back to the people in the room.
He kept asking himself over and over, 'Why? Why did he come?'

Did he truly love Matt with all his might?  Was Matt faithful?  Did he truly
cheat on him like the Radicals told him?

He was so confused and hurt.  His mind told him to leave, that Matt was a
liar, a player.  That he doesn't love him, but then again his heart told him
otherwise.  It told him to stay, to go to Matt and kiss him, to show him how
much he desires his touches, his gentle caresses....his soft lips on him...
his hot body under him.....

He blink shaking his head, trying to snap out of those
hot....sexy....wonderfull... thoughts....that....drive him...

OK!  Come on Eddie!  Get a hold of yourself here.... He told himself.

He saw them walk up the door, he glance a bit to the side to see Michael Cole
sit in a chair near by, not trying to get in the way I see.


He heard his name be called out, he looked up to see it came from his beloved.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he heard Sean call Jericho's name out....
and some other stuff, but he seem to close himself from the rest of the
world.  Everything but Matt and him.

Matt walked nervously to the door, like he was afraid of what could happen.
"Eddie?" He called again.

I smiled faintly, "Um.....hi....."

Oh...like thats gonna get you far...  Great job Eddie!  You sound like this
is your first date or something...

Chris looked at me, his eyes full of love and passion, then he bent down and
kissed Seans lips, they both held each other for a bit, not wanting to let go
of each other.  Then, the next thing you knew after they broke apart, is
Jericho going silly on you.

"OOOO the Brady Bunch is on....."

Sean laughs, "Ya...Why don't you come in so we can see it together. Chris
grins, and takes Seans extended hand and they both head in together.

Eddie sighed and blinked, 'How the hell could they get back together so

No one knew.....especially NOT him.  When it deals with Jerktina....NO one
knows.....expect the least expected....

I sighed and decided to confront this now or never.  "Matt....I...ah....we
need to talk....."

Matt swallowed and nodded, "Why don't we speak out here?  Just let me close
the door for some privacy..."

I waited till it was just me and Matt.  Just us two....