Title: Head Over Feet- Roses For Roses
Disclaimer: They belong to WWFE not to us. And the song "Please Forgive Me"
belongs to Bryan Adams.

The sound of knocking on the door was heard clearly.  The sound of footsteps
was heard as well, the shadowy figure in the dem lighted room was visibly
seen, but not too much.

"Who is it?" The sound of Chris Jericho's voice was heard perfectly.

"Bell hop, sir?"

Chris was taken by surprises, "What do you want?  I didn't call you."

"I was order to come here and deliver some things, sir?"

"Things? Deliver what things?" Jericho asked as he open the door to his
shared hotel room.

"These things sir!" The young man said to him as he pointed to the two long,
skinny boxes.

Chris eyes narrowed a bit.  "What are those?"

"I don't know sir."  The bell hop replied as he handed Jericho the boxes.

"Who sent them?" Chris asked as he took them.

"Don't know sir."

"But how-?"

"I was just ordered to bring them sir, I have to go now."  He nodded at Chris,
turned and left, leaving a nonplussed Jericho at the door.

Chris sighed as he enter the room with the boxes in hand, closing the door
behind him.  He set the boxes on the table that was near by.  He noticed each
box had a name on them.  One said his name, the other Eddie Gurrero's.

He sighed, deciding on whether on going and giving Eddie the box that came
for him.  But his answer was responded when Eddie himself entered the room.

"Yo Jerktina who was that at the door?"  Eddie asked as he walked slowly into
the room.

Chris looked up at him and frowned, "What are you doing out of bed mister?"

Eddie rolled his eyes, "I was bored Mom, I wanted to come out and play with
the pony!  What do you think????"

Chris smirked a bit, "Ah so you're trying to be a smartass aren't ya?"

Eddie pretented to be surprised, "Really??  And all this time I thought you
were my mom and I actually did have a pony...."  He sniffles as well.

Chris sighs shaking his head, "You dumbass....."

Eddie smiled a bit, "Eh but ya love me..."

Chris rolled his eyes, "Keep thinking that if you must....."

Eddie sighed, "Ok seriously....Who was that at the door?"

Chris quieted a bit and he eyed the boxes that were on the table. Eddie
blink, "Jerktina....earth to Jerktina...do you read me???"

Chris blinked, "Huh?"

Eddie sighed, "Its speaks!"  Then he walks toward him slowly and when he
reaches him, he puts a hand on his shoulder, "Why do glum Joe?"

Chris ignored Eddie silliness or to him stupidness, "It was the bellhop...."

Eddie who decided to be in a good mood and forget about what you call him,
that guy who has a rainbow boy for a brother. "It was the bellhop???  I
always thought it was the butler who done it??!!!"

Chris sighed again, "Eddie can you be serious!"  He pointed to the boxes,
"The bellhop brought them, one is for you... the other for me...."

Eddie blink, "For me?"  He took the one that was for him in his arms.

"Yea....I know.....I thought the same thing." He said as he took his own.

They both stood quiet, each staring at their respectful boxes, and with one
big sigh they both open it, like they were expecting it to be bombs that
would blow up any minute.

Two gasp was heard in the room,  inside each box was a single red rose.  The
rose had surprised both Eddie and Chris.  Bringing many questions to mind....
Who had sent them the roses? Why for?  What did that accomplish?

Eddie looked down at his box, there was a small card in there, he picked it
up and read it a tear streaming down his face. Chris looked at him and
frowned, but before he could ask, he found a similar small card in the box.
Picked it up, read it, and sucked in breath.

~ Eddie's Card ~


I LOVE you with all my heart, please don't deny it.....


~ Chris's Card ~


Please don't end what's between us, before it even started....


Please forgive me - I know not what I do
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Don't deny me - this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me - if I need ya like I do
Please believe me - every word I say is true
Please forgive me - I can't stop lovin' you
Please Forgive Me- Bryan Adams