The song "Over My Head" belongs to Furslide from the BTVS soundtrack.


***Eddie’s POV***

Jeez….can this wrestling job…..get any busier.  Damn….this week has been so busy….with all the tours…autograph sessions….and many… many more stuffs.  I just want a break from everything.  I think I’ll go to my room and jump in my comfy bed and sleep.

I start heading out the arena with my stuff.  I get near my car and as soon as I finish putting my luggage in my trunk and was about to get into the driver seat….my best friend besides the Radicals happens to stroll by.

“Latino boy….leaving so soon?”  Chris Jericho asked me with a smile on his lips.

“What do you want Jerktina?”  I said with a smirk.

“Well you see I wanted you to help me pick out a dress for my prom…” he said jokingly. “…what do you think goof!”

“Hey…I’m not a goof!  And leave me alone…okay?” I say tiredly.

“Yeah you’re not a goof…’re the Latino boy….the Edster….the Hispanico….the Esse man…the I look like a Chihuahua man….the..”

“Chris I get the point!”

“Okay….yo why so glum…” Chris asked.


“Oh god don’t tell me it’s about those idiots again?”  He asked as he lean slightly on my car.

“They’re not idiots.”

“Sure…why do you always defend them….don’t you know they’re sick!  I still say you should leave them.  They’re trying to corrupt you into becoming one of them.”

“No there not….” I defended.

“What about what you did to Joanie….hmmm?” he asks as he raise an eyebrow.

“That…” I start to stutter. “…that had nothing to do with it…”

“Sure…..if it wasn’t for Benoyt threatening you with the idea of hurting wouldn’t leave her...and do what you did…”

“Look can we stop talking about this…”  I asked.

“Um…hey...why don’t you come with me to a bar…and chill for a bit?”

“No...thanks anyway.”

“Ah...come on….It’ll be fun!”  Jericho stated as he started to pull me along with him by the arm.

“No…some other time….Right now I just want to sleep…”

“you can do that any other time… it’s party time.”

And I had no chance to protest as I was being dragged away by Chris.

~ At a local bar ~

“See here we are…”


“Yo Chris…you go on in….the guys are paging me….I’ll be right back.”

“Oh god…them again!”

“Calm down tiger….It’ll just take a minute.”

With that Chris went inside while I took out my cell, and dialed Deans room number.

“Yo Dean!  You paged?”  I asked.

A rough voice spoke from the other line.  “Yea boy.  Where are you?” Dean Malenko asked.

“Just at a bar. Why?” I asked him curiously.

“Just making sure you’re not with that Jerk!”

I sigh. “He’s not a jerk Dean.  You know that.  Besides I think I’m old enough to be friends with whom ever I want.”

“No you’re not!”  And with that our little convo had ended and Dean hanged up on me.  I sighed and shook my head and walked inside the bar.

I sit down next to Jericho who’s having the time of his life flirting…like usual.

“Don’t you ever get tired?”

“Nope!”  He said with a big grin.  “See I told you I was a tiger.” Ha that made me smile.  I knew I could count on my buddy here for enjoyment.

After a few jokes from Chris, I hear someone behind me call me.


I turn around only to find non other than Matt Hardy behind me. Looking serious but on the other hand nervous. I look at him for a bit then ask, "What?"

I seem him swallow a bit. "Why’d you mess with my brother?" He asked me.

What?  Me mess with his brother.  Jeff.  I look at him perplexed at his so-called out rage and ask him. "What’re you talking about, esse?"

He looks more nervous now….and slowly starts to speak. "Jeff. You kicked his ass. I wanna know why."

Ha….this must be a joke……it has to be…..or he just drunk.  I smirk a bit, and look him. "I think you had too much to drink, esse…"

He shakes his head. "Stop playing with me. Just tell me why you hurt Jeff." He yells.

Okay this guy is really drunk or on something.  I turn to see Jericho watching with amusement as does everyone else around us. "You need to calm down man. I haven’t even seen Rainbow today." I tell Matt.

He seem to really get agitated.  Aww man….now I feel bad.  I didn’t mean to laugh at him.  But before I could apologize, he turned around. And next thing I knew he ran out.

I look at where he ran off too.  “Eddie…you okay man?”  Chris asked worriedly.

“Yeah...I guess….Look Jericho, I  think I’m going to head back…okay….I’ll see you later.”

“Sure!”  Jericho waves bye.  And with that I leave off, not to bed as I planned but to get some informantion.

~ At Chris Benoit Hotel room ~

I knock on the door a bit.  The door opens, and I see its Perry.

“Hey Guerrero.” He said as he let me comes inside.

“Hey Saturn. I see everyone’s here?!”

“Yeah…we just hanging out here for a bit.”

“Cool….”  Then I came up to the sofa and sat down, and Chris and Dean came in chatting and snickering.

“Ha…did u see that freak boy face when we jumped him…ha its was too good to be true.” Benoit joked.

“I know….he was pleading for mercy….hahahaha……too bad we couldn’t stay longer…”  Dean said.

After hearing that I rose cautiously and looked at them, and then they saw me and stopped.  And then we stood there, staring at each other.  Then I finally spoke. “Is it true?”

“What’s true?” Perry asks.

“What they said about Jeff Hardy.  About you three attacking him. Is it?”

“Yup…”  Chris said as he jumped on the couch and turn on the tv.

Suddenly I got angry and yelled at them. “Why? Why the fuck did you idiots do that for? Just because he didn’t want to play with you guys….he had enough sense not too…”  Dean and Perry both stared at me like I just asked for my death wish.

Chris jumped up. “What the fuck are you getting angry. I mean one this doesn’t concern you and two if it did you don’t need to get so mad about it.”  Benoit hissed back. “He’s no friend of yours we are not him or his brother.  Do you hear me….”

I stood there….watching them…angry at what they done to the poor kid….angry at what they did to Matt…just furious at them.  “Whatever…” and I started to head for the door.

“What come back here Eddie….Eddie…EDDIE!”  Chris started yelling.  But I ignored him and left the room and went to mine.

As soon I got into my room, I slammed the door behind me, and went to the kitchen trying to see if I can drink anything that would calm me, but as soon as I got there, I saw a picture on the counter.  It was in a frame, it was a picture of me and the guys. I picked it up and was so mad that I threw it on the floor making the glass break. Then I picked up the picture, but as I did…I some how cut myself with a piece of glass having my hand start to bleed.  I didn’t care to wipe and clean it, I just held the picture between my fingers, hissed a bit and then I just ripped it.  Ripped it into little pieces.

I was kinda relieved a bit. So I walked out of the kitchen and sat at the edge of the bed.  Sat there thinking.  Thinking of what happened to Jeff, with the guys….and …with Matt.

Matt.  Why…why couldn’t I stop thinking about him…..and stop feeling guilty. Tears start to come down my cheeks.  Why?  I don’t know.  Why? Why did it hurt so much when I saw a little bit of anger and fear, towards me in his eyes. This is not my fault…..its not.  It’s just one of the many things that’s over my head…the many things that go around me and I’m the one that blame for them. I close my eyes…..lie on the bed…letting my hand bleed and the tears run freely.

I sigh…I’m just over my head.

I lost an island
in the ocean
the place where nickel come
to gamble on their faces
she took the offer
to be the daughter
we pledge allegiance
to the one who offer
social graces

Please don't blame me
please don't blame me
cause I am over my head...
am over my head
its for the best

I ripped up the picture
the one in the kitchen
I look weak
my eyes they gave it all away

I don't deny it
I still haven't found it
I’ll proudly will discard
I challenge every Christ so far

Please don't blame me
please don't blame me
cause I am over my head...
am over my head
its for the best
and I am over my head...
am over my head...
and it's for the best...

Please don't blame me
please don't blame me
cause I am over my head...
am over my head
its for the best
and I am over my head...
over my head
and it's for the best