Title: Head Over Feet-I Don't Want To Live Without You
Disclaimer: We don't own these fine individuals (who belong to the WWF), the
song "I Don't Want To Live Without You" belongs to Forginer's.

***Eddie's POV***

Darkness.....darkness surrounded me.....pain...darkness.....so scared....so
alone........no one.........

I open my eyes a bit, but it stings as the light in the room touches my eyes.
Where am I?? I can't see well.....I don't remember to clearly what happen
to me......AM I in a hospital??? What....why....the Radicals.....they...oh
god.....I thought they were my friends at first.....I see Jericho was
right.....everyone was right....they weren't good company you might say.

 I find myself in a strange situation
And I don't know how
What seemed to be an infatuation
Is so different now

I can't get by if we're not together
Ooh can't you see
Now I want you now and forever
Close to me

I notice another presence in the room with me. I squinch my eyes a
bit...still hurts to see a bit. Is that.....it can't be.....why would he be
here? Of all people....I can understand Chris....but...then again I can't
understand him.....but HIM? Why's he here...?

Why's Matt here?

I must be having delusions.....yeah...delusions....I finally lost it.....but
it seems so real....

"Matt?" I asked weakly.

He turns around to face me. His eyes widen in surprisement...in fear....and
in happiness....

"E-...E-..." He starts to stutter. "Eddie.....you're awake....I'm glad."

I'm longing for the time
I'm longing for the day
Hoping that you will promise to be mine
And never go away

I don't want to live without you
I don't want to live without you
I could never live without you
Live without your love

Oh lord.....HE'S GLAD I'M AWAKE! THANK GOD! But...as always I expect him to
run away......but to my astonishment....he pulls up a chair close to my

Oh lordy lord....oh lordy lord.....what is he doing......he's grabbing my
hand into his. Unconsciously playing with it. Oh god...does he know how
weak I get as I feel his touches.....or how I melt when I hear his
voice.....why does he torture me like this.....How could I fall for someone
like him....why.....

It seems like an eternity in hell.....as I see him there next to
me.....touching me.....though holding myself to not grab him by his shirt and
pull him into a passionate kiss. He after a few silent minutes looks up to
me...into my eyes....looking soulfully in them......and starts to speak

"Eddie....I'm sorry......" I open my mouth to argue....but he puts a finger
over my mouth silencing me. I let him continue. "Yes...I am sorry. If it
wasn't for me....you wouldn't get attacked by the Radicals...and you wouldn't
be here.....laying in a hospital bed." He sighs sadly bowing his head in

I ask myself but there's no explanation
For the way I feel
I know I've reached the right destination
And I know it's real

I'm longing for the time
I'm longing for the day
When I'll be giving you this
Heart of mine

I smile softly. Always the sad puppy...eh Mattie....Those are one of the
many reasons I fell for you..... "Matt?" I start to say, but he still
doesn't look up. I lift my hand which is in pain...but I don't care about
that right now, to Matt chin...and bring his chin up....so we can be looking
straight to each other's eyes....

"Matt..." I start to speak softly to him. "You don't have to be sorry for
anyhting.....you did nothing wrong..you're perfect." He looks at me like he
was about to protest. But before he can say anything....I silence him
with...with ....a kiss on the lips...

Believe me when I say
I don't want to live without you
I don't want to live without you
I could never live without you
Live without your love

He moans softly and tense's but then relaxs and open his moth slightly a bit,
letting me roam his mouth with my tongue. Tasting him.....and letting him
taste me. He's so sweet. So perfect. Mmm-mmm.....so delisious....

I never thought I could meet anyone like him before. Anyone that make feel
like I am now. This feeling of intense
happiness....peace....love......bliss.....at just being next to him. Oh lord
Matt you're like a drug to me now. We break apart....both needing to catch
some air. Then Matt looks at me.....his eyes glowing with a new light.

I yawn for a bit. My eyes start to get heavy. He smiles and gets
up...pushing me back down on to the bed. I try to protest....but I yawn
again. And he tries to give me this serious look, which makes me smile.
Which makes Matt smile back at me, while he coves me with the blankets. My
eyes start to close....and I start to enter a blissfully slumber. But not
before feeling Matt sweet..tenderly lips on my forehead for a sec....and
hearing him say the four words...which I waited all my life for....

"I love you Eddie...."