The Almighty Chrissy


Chris F.

And her WWF Fanfic

If you want to link to me (why, I don't know), and you like pretty banners, please feel free to use this one!!!!!!!!


I’ve got ficcies, I’ve got ficcies, I got lots of stuff to read!!! (Biodome joke) J You can read my stuff too…cuz I got it all here.

NOTE!!!!!  I was having fun with colors while doing this...if any of the fics are colores so that they;re annoying, difficult to read, or bright enough to get you in trouble at work/home, let me know and I'll fix it!

Warning (yes again...) Please, I'm begging you, if you don't like slash this is the wrong page.  These aren't the droids you're looking for.  Move on.  And if you're underage....I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and order you to get the hell outta Dodge.  Just be aware I did declare what was here and warned that you aren't supposed to be here.  I really don't want your parents killing me, I have enough worries with my own :)

AND......none of the characters in the below stories belong to me.  They are property of the WWF and themselves.  Also, my stories in no way reflect the actual personalities, sexualities, or actions of the wrestlers mentioned.

Anyway, here goes…in chronological order…

Hey, look down at the bottom of the page!  I WON AWARDs!!!!!!


Includes "Promise To Protect", "Candle on the Water", "Breaking Point", "Love Is Strange", "Baby,", and "Finding Heaven".

Iris- Slash, PG. X-Pac gets what he really wants for his birthday.

Endless Summer- Slash, PG-13.  What do you do when you're a big red machine who can't get over your ex-best friend?

Conventioneers- Slash, NC-17.  On a autograph signing, what will come of a brief fling?

Fixxer- Slash, R/NC-17.  Is it possible to heal after a lifetime of abuse?

Under the Milky Way- R for f/f (gasp!) interaction.  Molly and Steph have fun.

Finding Your Feet- PG-13 for language and m/m UST.  Michael Cole helps a friend.

Goodbye Vince- PG-13 for violence and abuse and f/f slash.  AU.  Molly saves Trish.

Click on the pretty banners to go to each of the story pages.

Slash series of short stories. Rated NC-17.

Series of longer slash stories. Ongoing.

Stories Written With Others

By Mari, Chris F. and Kasy.  A day with our friends (yeah right!) the muses.

By Kasy, Mari, and Chris F.  What happens when you put three wrestlers in a house with three crazy girls?  Non-slash.

Other Spiffy Stuff

My mission to get Eddie Gurerro some love!

- Some of my favorite sites...

LOOK AT MY AWARD!!!!!!!  I won it from Christina's incredibly cool page, click on the award to go there!


Mail me at -or-