Day With The Muses Part 3

Chris waited patiently for the three of them to finish, but they were in the bathroom forever.  She finished her milkshake and just sat there until she saw two people approaching.  "You must be Kasy."  she said.  "Mari will be with us in a moment...she's a bit occupied right now...."

 "And you must be Chris, it's so nice to finally meet
 you!" said Kasy,
 extending her hand.
 "And who is this fine specimen of man, you have
 with you? Wait a
 sec--you're..." Chris got cut off as the mysterious
 man introduced himself.
 "HBK, the Heartbreak Kid, it is nice to meet you
 Chris!" he whispered.
 "Why are you whispering?" Chris asked curiously.
 "Well,…" began Kasy, who put her arm around HBK,
 "It seems that a couple of
 girls have noticed Mr.HBK and have followed us
 around the mall. It was fine
 when they asked for autographs and such but....."
 Kas got cut off as Mari
 recognized the new people sitting with Chris.
 "Hey guys, I didn't know that you were here!" said
 Mari who came out with a
 very flushed and sweaty Hunter and Jericho.
 "Yeah, seems that Shawn got bored and wanted to go
 out, so since I had to go
 to the mall, I decided that he could tag along."
 said Kasy.
 "Oh, je mer " said Mari. "Well, it looks like you
 finally met Chris!"
 "Yeah, she seems"
 "What's wrong? Why are you looking like that at me?"
 "Well, your shirts on inside out......I highly doubt
 that's a new fashion
 trend but hey if it is go figure!" Kas pointed out.
 " I'll be back!" Mari said as
 she ran off to the bathroom
 "I'm sure you were occupied" said HBK with a smirk.
 "I'll join you!" said Hunter and Jericho in unison.
 "Hold it!" said Chris F.
 The two men halted in their tracks. They turned
 slowly not wanting to know
 the real reason why Christina had stopped them.
 "It's not good company to just ditch your friends
 like that! Besides, I have
 to go to G + G after this and I don't think we are
 ever going to leave
 McDonald's if you keep on". said Chris F.
 Mari came back, with her shirt correctly on. However
 it was noticeable that a
 button was missing.
 "Sooo where are we off to now?" she said.
 "G + G" said Kas as she finished her McFlurry.
 "Very cool, I love that store!" said Mari.
 "Well, so do I, but if we don't get shakin', we are
 going to be locked up in
 this mall overnight" said Christina.
 Everybody halted in their tracks as they saw the
 Ayatollah, shake his butt.
 "What the fuck are you doing?" asked Hunter.
 "Well, Chris said to "get shakin'" and that's
 exactly what I am doing!
 explained Jericho.
 They all laughed as they proceeded to leave the
 ----------In G + G------------
 "Now Mari why don't you try this on?" said Hunter
 who was holding up a light
 yellow Lycra halter top.
 "Cute...I'll try it on now"
 "Shawn can you please help me with this zipper?"
 called out Kas from a
 dressing room.
 "Sure!" said HBK with a gleam in his eyes. Kas
 opened the door and pulled him
 Christina saw what had happened and an idea formed
 in her mind. She pulled
 Jericho along with her and opened a door from an
 empty dressing room. "I am
 gonna give you a ride you will never eeeeeeeeever
 forget again!"
 Mari and Hunter walked aimlessly around the store
 looking at clothes and
 accessories. 'I wonder where the rest of the guys
 are' she thought. As she
 passed by the dressing rooms, she heard moans and
 grunts. 'Nevermind' she
 "Hey!" shouted Hunter.
 "What?" asked Mari, who turned around to see Hunter
 covered in a T-shirt, who
 was then hit with a bra that had flown through the
 She began to laugh and Hunter looked at her warily,
 but then he to began to
 After laughing for a while, they noticed Kasy and
 HBK, have come out, looking
 very flushed and with big smiles on their face.
 "Hmmm, Kas it seems that your shirt is on backwards
 now" said Mari. Kasy
 blushed and resumed shopping with HBK.
 Christina came out with a very shocked and surprised
 Jericho a couple of
 minutes later.
 "Hey man, what happened to you? asked Hunter.
 All that was heard from Jericho's mouth was "You
 don't even want to know!"
 Mari spoke as Kas and HBK came back with their
 purchases "So where to next?"