TITLE: A Day With The Muses (2/?)
AUTHOR: Mari, Chris F, and Kasy
DISCLAIMER:  They aren't ours, gosh darn it ?
 ~ 30 minutes later ~
 Mari who is now sitting on a bench, that she found
 in the mall, is thinking
 to herself ways to torture her three "friends"
 when she finds them. "I
 can't believe it!" she says. "Those three idiots,
 wake me up very EARLY,
 then they drag me to the mall, to drag me to
 different stores, to later
 abandon me in the mall!!!" "Oh! when I get my
 hands on them…" She notices a
 particular store right across from where she is
 sitting and starts walking
 towards it with an evil smile on her lips. Finally
 inside, a helper sees her
 and comes to her.
 "Welcome, how may we help you?"
 "Um…hi, can you please show me some of
 Somewhere else in the mall a door opens and three
 people walk out.
 Chris Jericho who is now finishing buttoning his
 shirt, turns to Christina
 and says, "See I told you it would be fun!"
 Chris F. only answered him with a big smile on her
 face. Then all three of them
 started walking around until they found an exit and
 where about to leave
 until Hunter said, "Dammit!!!"
 "What happened?" asked Y2J, turning to him.
 "Marilyn!  We completely forgot about Mari!" he
 "Oh No!"
 "Oh yes!"
 "We gotta look for her!"
 "What time is it?" asked Chris.
 Jericho looked at his watch, "Oh um...it's 11:30,
 why? He asked curiously.
 "Oh shit!" "When we left her it was 10:30...oh is
 she gonna be pissed."
 "Pissed???" growled Hunter. "I would be happy
 if she was only pissed at
 us, but with her temper, oh no! I don't even want
 to mess with her. Last
 time we had an argument she ended up smacking me
 with a broom. I'm not
 messing with her, oh no I'm not!"
 As he said that he started walking out the mall
 until he felt someone grab
 him by the arm and pull him back.
 "Oh no!" "If WE got to deal with her then, YOU my
 friend got to deal with
 her as well!" said Chris F.
 "But she hits me with things!."
 "So be a MAN!  That's what you are aren't
 ya?!  So act like one!"
 Then both guys looked at her as if she was crazy or
 something and
 answered.  "We are men, but if it were only that
 "Oh, come one you two!¦." She said as she was
 pulling them by the arms.
 A few minutes later after wandering around the mall,
 they spotted Mari
 sitting on a bench, looking to calm for their taste.
 And it seems that she
 spotted them as well.

"Chris!  Chris! Hunter!  How nice it is to see you guys!"  Mari said,
grinning suspiciously.

The three looked at each other in confusion.  "Uhm….yeah, nice to see you too."
Chris F. said.

Jericho was a bit braver.  "You seem happy.  Does that mean you aren't mad at us?"

Mari's smile got bigger.  "Of course I'm not mad.  I'm ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS!!!!"
She bent down to retrieve something from her bag and that's when the others figured out what she had bought.

"Oh no it's a MOP!!!" Hunter screamed in terror.

"Hunter, I'm a-scared.  Hold me!" Jericho whined, wrapping his arms around Hunter's waist.

Chris F. glared at the two muses in jealousy, then turned back to Mari, who was holding the mop high above her head and preparing to strike.  "C'mon, you don't want to do this…think of all the fun we had with them…"

"Well I'm gonna have more fun bashing their heads in!"

Chris tried a different tactic.  "Mall security will arrest us."

"I don't care!"
Finally, Chris F. had to whip out her special tactic.  Her face crumpled and she began to whimper.  "I need the muses!  Without muses, I can't write and then I'd be really sad because I like to write and I wouldn't be able to post to the list and I'd just be a total lurker and….."  she sat down on the bench and sobbed.

Mari sighed and set the mop down.  "Ok, I won't hurt them…this time."

Chris jumped up, showing no sign she had ever been upset in the first place.  "Ok!  Let's go shopping!!!"

Ignoring the protests from Jericho and Hunter that they had already shopped enough, Chris and Mari hit almost every store in the mall, at times even making their very embarrassed muses try on clothing.  The most fun came in Toys-R-Us, where all four grabbed wrestling action figures and began to fight each other with them, until they were kicked out.

They ended up at McDonalds where all ordered Happy Meals.  The small plastic toys amused them for about ten minutes, until Jericho's broke.  "Hey!  What a filthy, disgusting, brutal, bottom-feeding, trash bag toy this is!"  he whined.

"Oh, stop it, here, you can have my toy."  Mari said to him.

"No!!!!  I want my toy!!!!"  Jericho threw the pieces of his broken toy to the floor. and started to pout.

Hunter took one look at Chris's adorably pouting face and decided it would be a good idea to get him alone because what he wanted to do to him was not a good idea in polite company.  "I'm...uhm...I'm gonna go get him to shut up."  He dragged Jericho by the arm over towards the bathrooms.

"I'm coming with you!!!"  Chris F. and Mari said in unison.  Mari stopped Chris.  "No, you got them in the mall.  It's my turn."

Chris waited patiently for the three of them to finish, but they were in the bathroom forever.  She finished her milkshake and just sat there until she saw two people approaching.  "You must be Kasy."  she said.  "Mari will be with us in a moment...she's a bit occupied right now...."