Title: Conventioneers
Author: Chris F.
Rating: NC-17

*Note* This was Mari's Beta-rwader Appreciation day present :)

You walked into the room
And the whole place stopped to notice
Standing next you, I feel hopeless and you know this

That little prima-donna...he just HAS to be late, doesn't he?  While some of us (such as me) have been writing our asses off for fifteen minutes already, that stupid guy just waltzes in and the whole crowd goes wild.  Nope, no one cares about the Latino Heat after "The Game" has strolled in.

To his credit, he doesn't play to the crowd for too long, just smiles and sits down at the table set up for us.  Still angry, I look at the next person in line, a teenage boy asking me what it's like to "do Chyna."  Meanwhile, he's facing a trembling teenage girl.  "How you doing today?" he asked kindly.

The girl squealed so shrilly, I thought I saw Jesse at the other table turn our way.  (So high-pitched, only a dog could hear it....Road DOGG...I crack myself up sometimes.  Too bad no one else likes my jokes.  Ethnic discrimination, I tell you...)  Anyways, so the girl shrieked.  "OH MY GOD!!!  He talked to me!!!  Did you hear that, Karen?  HE TALKED TO ME!!!"

He was obviously trying not to wince as he passed her the magazine back.  "You have a nice day now..."  The girl walked away, still shaking with excitement.

A few hours later, we were finally....FINALLY...done and could go back to our hotel.  As I opened the door to my rental car, I felt a hand on my shoulder.  I turned around to see Hunter standing there.  "Hey Hunter,"  he said, "sorry I was late today, my flight was delayed.  I didn't even get a chance to stop at the hotel."  He paused.  "Speaking of which, you're from Texas....do you know where the hotel actually is?"

I couldn't help but glare at him.  "Texas isn't exactly small.  I don't have maps of every part of it memorized."

Hunter stood his ground.  "That doesn't answer my question."

I sighed.  "Yes, I know where the hotel is.  Do you need a guided tour, or can I just give you the directions?"

He grinned lecherously at me.  "Is the guided tour really an option?"

Is this guy hitting on me????  I don't even believe this....Triple H!  Hitting on me!  Then, the more logical side of me kicked in.  "You haven't had a date in months" it told me.  It was true...I was stuck in a mockery of a relationship, used primarily to cover the fact that Chyna was messing around with Lita, and I was...well...let's just say the folks experiencing  this Latin lover have mostly been of the male persuasion.  "Well, since I doubt you could follow a simple set of directions, you might as well get in the car with me."

Hunter smirked.  "What's that supposed to mean?"

I shook my head at him  "Look esse, are you getting in the car or not?  Because I have places to go, you know..." But he doesn't answer me, instead throwing his bag in the backseat and making himself comfy in my passenger seat.


We get back to the hotel and lo and behold, just my fucking luck, it's WWF Party Hour at the bar.  I don't even get two steps in the door before Dean Malenko grabs me by my sleeve.  "Eddie!  Dude, you have GOT to come over to the bar...we are having SO much fun....there's kareoke and everything!"

I pause for a moment...just a moment...wondering if spending an evening with a very drunk Dean....on kareoke night no less...might be detrimental to my health, not to mention my hearing.  Then I heard Hunter's voice from behind me.  "Hey Eddie, if you want you can join me and Sean over here.."

I force a grin.  "Sure Dean, where are you sitting at?"

I've never been ashamed of my attraction
I'd be happy if you gave me just a fraction
As we danced, I could see in your eyes
You and me as senior citizens in love

Oh my God.  If I never hear "The Thong Song" as done by Rikishi again, it will be too soon.  Not to mention the stirring rendition of "Bye Bye Bye" done by Perry Saturn, and my dear friend Dean's version of "Oops, I Did It Again".  As X-Pac stumbles up to the microphone to sing "There You Go", I sneak a glance over at where Hunter's sitting.  I can't help but think about earlier in the day, of him asking me....little ole Eddie...for a ride.

I guess there's no sense denying it, I've always been madly in love with Hunter.  I used to beg Perry to tell me about his days working with him in the IWF, about what he looked like in the locker room or whether anything happened when they shared a motel room.  When I first joined the WWF, I was so happy when we joined up with DX, just so I could be a little closer to Hunter.  At that point, it was still merely a physical attraction, but a year later, when me and Chyna hooked up, it was so much more.  Again, I would plead with Chyna for her to tell me about him, and I think she thought it was kinda cute, because she would always give in to my requests.  Slowly though, I began to see how pointless my obsession was, and the interest kind of tapered off.  Until today that is.

And about today.....as I tried to covertly watch Hunter, he got up.  Flashing a sly grin at me...that bastard...he slowly walked out of the hotel bar and away from me.

Followed your perfume out away from all the rabble
Right up to your room for a drink and travel Scrabble
You, stationed in the warm glow of the TV
Too patient as I'm playing L-O-V-E

Against my better judgment, I too got up and left.  No one smiles like that without some innuendo behind it, and I wanted to know why he was messing with my head.  I went up to the desk in the lobby and plastered on my best "kiss ass" grin.  "Hi!" I said to the receptionist.  "I have a friend staying here, last name is Helmsly, I was wondering if I could get his room number?"

The receptionist turned totally pale, which I originally thought was a bad thing, until she finally squeaked out "Oh my goodness, you're EDDIE GUERRERO!!!!!"

I blushed slightly.  "Uhm...yeah, that's me..."

The woman continued to gush.  "Oh I just LOVE you...you're such a sweet man...you treat Chyna so good....Helmsly you're looking for?"  Her face crinkled in disapproval.  "Why would you want to talk to HIM???"

I racked my brain for an excuse.  "Uhm...err..."  Finally figuring something out, I slipped into hothead Latino mode.  "He was talking trash about my Mammacita!  I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind!"

The receptionist's face brightened.  "Oh, alright!  He's in room 257.  Good luck!"

I grinned back at her as I ran towards the steps.  Up two flights...down a few halls...finally, room 257.

I froze in place as I reached his door.  What the hell am I doing here?  I must be insane...he doesn't want me here, he just wants to tease me....

And then the door opens.  Hunter stands there, wearing only a pair of jeans.  My God, that man is hot.....and he knows it.  He smirked.  "I knew you'd come up."  As if in a daze, I walked into his hotel room.  "Do you want anything to drink?"  he asked.  I nodded, still unfocused.

He handed me a can of Coke.  "Sorry, I don't have alcohol around while on trips.  I always ending up doing things I regret."

"Like inviting people you barely know up to your room?"  I muttered, but obviously he heard me, because he laughed.

"No Eddie...somehow I don't think I'll end up regretting this."  My response caught in my throat when I heard his words.  How long had I been wanting to hear those words...to hear him say my name, to hear him say I meant something...anything...to him.  But still, something didn't seem right.

I shook off the feeling as Hunter gestured to the foot of the bed.  "Have a seat."

I sat down hesitantly, watching as he sat farther up on the bed.  It was only then that I noticed the board sitting on the bed.  "Scrabble?"  I asked.

Hunter smiled...almost....shyly?  "I like the game."  he admitted.  "You want to play?"

I shrugged.  It certainly wasn't what I came here for, but it beat being the bar.  "Sure."  I looked down at the board, and like Twister did when I was a teenager, Scrabble lost its innocence for me.  Words like "horny", "sex", and "arousal" popped out at me from their places on the board.

"You gonna make a move?"  Hunter asked, more amused than impatient.

It was my turn to grin at him.  "I'm trying to think."  Dammit, I don't have any good tiles!  I can't make ANYTHING.  Finally, as a last resort, I lay out three tiles off the "O" in "horny."

Hunter's brow furrowed.  "Love?"

I looked down.  "Well, it was a triple word score..."

And we laugh...and we laugh...and we laugh...
And we have to or we'll end up in the bath

I picked up my head as I heard the sound of tiles being put down on the board.  Hunter, looking very mischievous, was adding "make" to the beginning of my word.  "Well, if I had the right tiles, I could have made that too..." I defended.

Hunter just smiled and leaned across the bed, capturing my lips.  And we shared a kiss...a kiss that...damn, I've had sex that was less hot than that kiss.  When we finally broke apart, we stared in each other's eyes for a moment, until Hunter abruptly pulled me down so I was lying on the bed.  We kissed again, this time going even deeper, although I'm not quite sure how that was possible.

We separated again, and Hunter leaned up off of me, smiling seductively.  "You know what?  I haven't had a shower all day...I think I'm gonna go take one now."  He got off the bed, slowly shedding his jeans on the way there.

I very nearly passed out at the sight of that ass walking away from me.  "I think I'll be joining you!"  I called, hurriedly trying to strip off my own clothes on the way

Now we're in the bath, I'm already thinking marriage
I know that in the past it was something I'd disparage
You turned down all the lights, I lit the candles
We rolled around in robes and hotel sandals

I slipped into the shower, watching Hunter grin.  We stood there for a moment, both of us totally exposed to the other.  We both got the urge at the same moment to kiss each other, which caused our faces to briefly smash together, but we soon fixed that and began happily sucking face.

When we stopped kissing and...well...groping, I decided I had had enough foreplay.  I slipped to my knees, reaching up to brush the tips of my fingers across his swollen cock.  He gasped and I couldn't keep back a somewhat evil grin.  He thought it was real fun to play head games with me....well I'm the one in control right now.  I flicked the tip of my tongue against the head of his shaft, causing him to inhale sharply again and involuntarily thrust forward.  I took him into my mouth, alternately running my tongue up the bottom of his cock and scraping it lightly with my teeth.  He moaned and tangled his fingers in my hair.  I continued until he abruptly jerked out of my mouth.

I looked up in confusion.  "Did I do something?"

Hunter's breath was ragged. "Yeah, you nearly made me come."  He pulled me to my feet and bent down to whisper in my ear "I don't want to do that until I'm inside you."

A small shiver ran through me with his words.  Under the warm spray of the water, I let him turn me around so I was facing the wall.  Hunter wrapped his arms around me as he nuzzled my neck.  I tilted my head, still lost in his touch.  He brought his hands down...down...until I felt him insert a finger into me.  I rocked back against him and he chuckled low in his throat and inserted another, moving them back and forth.

I moaned with the feeling of him finger-fucking me.  "Hunter...if you want to come inside me...you better get inside....like right now..."  I was so close, but I held on to my control, wanting to make this as good for him as it was for me.

Hunter withdrew his fingers and slid into me.  Oh God, it felt so good!  He made a small thrust inside me, and I responded by pushing back against him.  We soon fell into a rhythm, both of us panting.  In my wildest dreams, it was never like this, a dream could never be so hot, so raw....

I ended up coming first, but it was only a matter of seconds before Hunter also climaxed inside of me.  He pulled out of me, and we slumped against each other in the suddenly cold water.  Eventually, Hunter got the energy to turn off the water, and we crawled out of the shower.

Then you slept, and I dressed,  and I left
And I guess I'll see you Monday like before

I woke up what had to be at least a few hours later.  Hunter slept next to me, and I was jolted into the memory of the past night.  What had I done?  I slept with Hunter...Hunter, the man I swore I would stop lusting after....I'm an idiot!  Stupid stupid stupid!!!!

I carefully got out of bed and fumbled around with my pants.  I had to get out of here...I promised myself I was off one-night stands.....finally I was dressed and could sneak out of the room.

When I finally reached my own hotel room, I collapsed on the bed.  Oh shit....tomorrow is Monday...I'm gonna have to go into the arena and see him and know that I let him tug me around on a string....

What the hell happened last night anyways???  What was I thinking...when I look back, it seems so surreal, but I fell for it anyways....

Now I'm in a  cab, heading back to my apartment
Everything is drab, and I wish it never started
Now I've landed in the awkward situation
How can I avoid a conversation?
So I wait, come in late, it'd be great
If you transferred out of state

I shuffled worriedly into the arena on Monday.  Maybe if I'm quiet enough, Hunter won't see me and I won't have to call him...I won't have to deal with him.....

"Hey Eddie?"  Too late.

I turn around.  "Yeah Hunter?  What d'you want, man?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?"  I walked into his dressing room and sat down in one of the chairs.  He sat in the chair across from me.  "Do you regret what we did?"

I looked up at him in shock.  "What do you think?!  I let you drag me around all damn day..."  I shook my head.  "I thought I was over you..." Oh shit, I wasn't supposed to say that...

Hunter looked at me in slight confusion.  "What? 'Over me'?  What's that supposed to mean?"  Before I got a chance to answer, something seemed to click in him.  "Oh...."

I looked down in shame.  "I didn't mean to tell you that."

Hunter didn't sound angry, which was a plus.  "No...no....it's ok...."  He sighed.  "Look, it hasn't exactly been the best time in my life for me.  I was looking for a little bit of fun.  If I knew it would set something off in you, I would have picked someone else."

My face was still buried in my hands.  "Why did you pick me at all?"

I could almost hear the smile in Hunter's voice.  "You're cute, Eddie.  You look like you should be someone's 'Chalupa of Love' or something..."

I glanced up.  "Cute?  I'm CUTE?!  Do you have any idea how far CUTE gets you in life?"

Hunter looked at me with what I guessed passed as sympathy with him.  "Look...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you feelings."  He stood up.  "You know what?  I have a friend, and I think you two might get along."  He walked out of the room.

I buried my face in my hands again.  How humiliating!  First I had to go off on him like that, now he's feeling guilty and trying to set me up with someone.  I didn't look up as I heard the door open.  Hunter's mystery friend could see what a pathetic loser he had been set up with.

The voice that came from close to me was something of a shock.  "Uh...look, Hunter told me to come talk to you..."

I looked up.  The blonde next to me looked almost unfamiliar, his cocky demeanor stripped away and replaced with...was that shyness?  I looked at him a bit more critically.  We had worked together back in the WWF and been friends, but not close.  I thought back a bit, to when he was new with the company, the sweet, innocent kid he had been.  As a matter of fact....he still looked like a sweet, innocent kid.  And maybe that's what I needed.

I let myself smile at him.  "Hi, Chris...I didn't know you and Hunter were friends."

Jericho shrugged slightly, blushing.  "Well, we kinda got a little drunk and carried away last time we did an autograph session, and I think he's been trying to pawn off pathetic little me ever since."

My smile widened.  I could like him.  "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship."