There are two steps to creating a second (or third or fourth or ...) page. Your home page (the file misnamed index.html) must receive a link to the new page. Using an editor insert the line <p> <a href="page2.html"> Click here </a>

Instead of the page2.html you must quote the name of your new page file.

Move down to the Create/View and click on it to see your new home page. Now back up to where you chose an editor and choose the advanced editor. Enter the filename for your new page in the box (in our example page2 and go to the editor. You can go ahead and fill in the html for the new page or just put in some text for now, like <html> <body>This will be page two</body></html> , then back down to Create/View.

When you click that you should see your new page. Now if you go to your page the way an outsider would you should see your home page with the underlined link you put on it, clicking it should take you to your new page.