Jy's Nexus - Jyranda's biography
Jyranda's biography
Full name:
Jyranda Selene Winters
Physical aspect:
Age: 31
Eye: Roundish, baby blue
Sex: Female
Hair: Long, bright red
Race: Human
Height: 6 - 6'1"
Weight: 145lbs
Personal information:
Jyranda is the daughter of Commander Elizabeth Anderson, medical
officer on the USS Sawdawn, and Commander Julien Valtese, Chief
Engineer(USS Sawdawn). She has for sibbling, Michelle and Micheal
Valtese who are twins and roughly four years older then she is.
Other living relatives are, on her mother's side: Veronica
Grey Anderson, Jy's grandmother, and Jessica Anderson(identical
twin sister)as her aunt. On her father's side of the family,
there is Julia Valtese(twin of Julien) and Marcus (elder brother).
She was born in Copernicus City on Luna on Stardate 91258.1(approximatly)
and grew up mostly on starships along with her parents and sibbling
till the age of five after which she moved down to Earth to live
with her grandmother and sometimes was switched over to her Aunt
Jessica. Jy's family has always been somewhat distant from her so
Jy had learned to be on her own as well as always bettering herself
in every way she could.
Growing up, seperated from her parent
and siblings, Jy somewhat felt left out, but managed to find friends
who helped her through some of the thoughest period of her life.
Since she was young, she felt a resentment from her family and has
always wondered why and tried her best to please them, hence one of
the many reason that pushed her to follow a career in StarFleet.
After she made it in the Academy, she somewhat lost all contacts with
her family, else for her grandmother with whom she still keeps
in touch.
During her time at StarFleet Academy, she made many
new friends all of the which meant the world to her and whose friendship
she cherished beyond all things, even her life. From her closest friends
there was Luciana Vestnys, who unfortunatly died while in her second
year at the academy, Colin Winters, Lydia, Zina, Renegade, Quik,
Desmond, Beavis, Stretch, Farra, Maiden, Jzhanne, Diego and Linden.
Even over the years she made many more friends.
Her first
year at the academy went by quite quickly and she dated Renegade
steadily for quite a while. During that particular time, she, Renegade
, Winters, Zina and Lydia all moved into an appartment which had been
nicknamed Heaven Meadows cause of it's excessive floral decoral. Also
her second year at the academy was a tad more exciting to say the
least. Jy was voted as a representant for the SFASC(SFA Student
Council) comitee, where she later held the post of vice-president
and afterwards president following the death of Luciana who was
the president at the time. During that same year she was elected
president of the Beta chapter of the fraternity Sigma Phi. The only
sad event was Luci's death which somewhat rattled her majorly and
she dumped Renegade for Quik and soon after was engaged to be married
with Quik, this happening in during the third year.
On Stardate
95233.3, she and Quik got married though this marriage was an odd
event to say the least in Jy's life. Shortly after she found out
that she was pregnant with twins. This was also the year that she
graduated from SFA(Stardate 95361.6) and was assigned on the USS
Maxwell as an engineer. On Stardate 95389.6, she gave birth to
two beautiful baby girl, Kiori and Kalia Valtese.
Jy took
charge of raising both of the girls as Quik had somewhat disappeared
from the face of the Earth as far as her knowledge went. For many
years she concentrated on her carreer and raising the twins, but
she soon realise that engineering wasn't her place and switch to
Medical and studied while both doing her duties as an engineer on
the Maxwell. Thanks to her fellow crewmates who helped her during
this time, especially officers like Gavnuch, Winters, Archangel and
a bunch of others who babysat the twins many time while she was busy.
Through hard work she got her medical degree and soon after got
a transfer to USB Beowulf where she became Chief Medical Officer
for the station.
Many years past and Jy lived a very quiet
life on Beowulf with her daughters who grew up quickly, yet without
the presence of their father. All the while, Jy made some new
friendship such as Turtyl, whom she made godmother of Kalia, Deianira
who became Kiori's godmother. For godfather, both twins had Colin
Winters who Jy had a very close friendship with since the Academy.
On Stardate 96177.8, Jy finnaly got news about her missing husband
and the news informed her of his death a couple of years back. No
detail was given to her on how he died, nor did she ask. So Jy kept
on living her life and doing her duties as routine, though her life
took a twist to the better when she and Winters started dating.
Later on, the couple got married(Stardate 97084.6) and her life goes
on with the man she loves and two angelic daughters by her side.
Silverstone Academy (Paris France) - High School Diploma
StarFleet Academy - Engineering major
StarFleet Medical -
Medical Degree (Pediatrics - major) *certified doctor and
StarFleet Counselling - Counselling Degree *Certified
& Trained Counsellor*
Rank - Position - StarShip/Starbase
Ensign - Engineering Officer - USS Maxwell
Ensign/LtJG - Medical Officer - USS Maxwell
LtJg/Lt/LtCmdr - Chief Medical Officer - USB Beowulf Station
* Last updated on: Stardate 97159.3 (28/02/97) *
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