Welcome to

Uncle Ned's Homepage

Not forgetting Dryad the ghost

This is where I post my stories about myself and me of course for the general consumption of the public. Please bear in mind that the following stories involve elements of fiction, and names have been changed.

Not half. But I ask you. What kind of sick bunny changes their name to 'Uncle Ned'? If you answer that question, you're getting warm...

I'm sure Dryad will add her own form of contribution to the site once I've finished with it, not that there's much I can do about it. I did check all the links, but I'm sure Dryad will regularly break them. Yeah, right. It's just Ned saying he can't write HTML for shit, and trying to make out it isn't his fault. So if you do come across any errors, then do please let me know, and I'll try and talk Dryad into putting them back the way they were.

There isn't anything as such on this site I would class as adults only (much of it is based on the exploits of slightly, how shall I say, younger than adult people). So if Mommy and Daddy don't like you reading rude words, you shouldn't be reading this, junior.

Who's the moralist now? This from someone who spends his free time teaching five year olds to swear, and slightly older kids to . . . never mind, you get the picture. As I said before, sick bunny.

Right, here's the index of stories I've written so far. Most of it is my life story, but I've started writing other stuff too.

Uncle Ned

Some in Rags - The Story of Uncle Ned

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

To be continued...

Other Tales

Uncle Ned's Cautionary Tales 1 - The Pretentious Ventrue

Return to the . . .



Hello! This isn't real! It's written by a roleplaying character, although, if you are a Camarilla member, Ned hasn't posted this (he's not THAT dumb), so this is all OOC information.

Thank you.

Please don't send any death threats.