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The International Sim Group
Home Page

Greetings from President N. Ryan Stewart, the Commanding Officer of the International Sim Group.
The International Sim Group is a Play by E-mail (PBEM) simulation based on the popular Star Trek series. Members can be a crew member on board a Federation, Romulan, Klingon, Cardassian/Dominion, or Maquis starship. Various positions are open for players of all skill levels. No previous sim experience necessary. To join, just fill out the forms on the page that corresponds to your interest.

You are Trek lover # to visit the ISG homepage since 8-25-97.

Please Choose any of the Divisions Below, and join the ISG!

Federation Division

Klingon Division

Romulan Division

Cardassian/Dominion Division

Maquis Division

Sea Quest Division

Web Rings

Click on any of the divisions below to contact the admiral of that division!

Federation Division:
Fleet Admiral William Blake

Klingon Division:
Position Open!

Romulan Division:
Position Open!

Cardassian Division:
Position Open!

Maquis Division:
Admiral Korr

Sea Quest Division:
Senator Tomlinson

Contact the founder of the International Sim Group: President Stewart

Assimilation Ring Button
Assimilation Ring Member of the Week!!!

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AnimBar applet courtesy of North Park Studios

Concepts of Federation Starships and Original Star Trek Universe ©Paramount Pictures / Viacom;
details were used without exclusive permission. The contents of this page are the exclusive property of the International Sim Group.
Please consult with Dabo Trast (the maintaner of these pages) before removing any text or images found within this site. Thank you for your interest in the ISG.