You are walking along, and come upon a Jaycee, resting on a rock, her red hair
glinting in the early morning sun. She smiles as she notices you,
and moves up next to you.
"Hello again 'lenca, I was just up here thinking." She tilts her head
and smiles at you again. You grin back and she laughs. "Don't look so
surprised! I come out here a lot. The Myon'se'tote'desavi live in this part of
the Vah, and I enjoy visiting them."
She sees your confused look, and explains. "The Myon live in three different
tribes here,
Tribe of the Lach'tannva, Tribe of the Carik'shon, and
Tribe of the Caninn'vacai." You look even more confused, and she smiles.
"Don't worry, if you go visit them,
I'm sure they will explain."
You nod uncertainly, and she laughs again. "You probably want to know where
they live! Well, the Lach'tannva live down that path to your left, the
Carik'shon down on the prairie, and the Caninn'vacai in the mountains behind us.
She speaks again. "There's also a Parent's List over there, and a List for forming Tribes and mates."