You walk along, carefully protecting your face from the desert sun. 'Diaar Desert' Jaycee had called it, you remember. Nothing but sand duns and a few scrubs, cacti and rocks show themselves. Your shadow is long, and you begin to tire it the heat.

Three huge boulder grouped together loom up in the distance, and a small shape emerges from them. It trots up to you, snarling quietly.

"What do you want, stranger?" He growls at you, and you stiffen, then back up slowly. The small fox like creature growls again, and watches you closely. "I assume you must wish to see the pack?" You nod slowly, ready to agree with anything he says. "Well then, follow me." He whirls and starts trotting back to the boulders. You hurry and follow.

"Lighten up, False, its just a visitor." A feminine voice travels out from the large rocks, and you look around for its owner. "Up here, visitor." The voice calls out again, and you and the creature who brought you there look up. Peering over the edge of a stone, is a small face. Whiskers twitching slightly, and you assume that she is laughing quietly.

She smiles and jumps down beside you, her paws making puffs of sand blow up from where she lands. She stretches slowly, then turns back to you both. She gives a grin, then motions inward towards to the boulders. "Come on, SandStorm will explain everything." She pads away, and disappears between the triangle of stone.
