You walk towards a small pond of crystal clear water, the stones at the bottom are smooth and inviting. At first you think there are little jewels in the water, but as you look closer you can see they're actually fish. You sit down and take off your sandles, and begin to wade in the cool water, enjoying every minute. The water is sweet and revives you.
Suddenly are drenched in a big wet wave of water. You fall back onto the grass with a thump. As you look up you see a face. You see bright green eyes in a dark face, a long white blaze from forehead to muzzle. Those green eyes look at you and the face grins. "Hello!"
The mare steps back and allows you to stand. "If Jaycee hasn't told you, I'm Taia'daki." She grins. "I'm a Mahon Pah'llock from Tir'na'bainne'gile'lair!" she pauses a moment, but only a moment. "I've been learning some of the dances from some of the others, want to see?" You nod, grinning at her happyness. She steps in to the sunshine, her coat glittering, as she begins to dance. She begins with a simple pattern but becomes more and more intricit as she goes. Her pace goes faster and faster, until she ends it with a dramatic bow. You applaud her, and she replies happily, "Thank you, thank you." Bowing once, twice, and a final third time.
Suddenly you see behind her, a figure move out of the shadow. As it comes over you see it has antlers. Antlers? you think. but it does, how ever odd. It has a chestnut color, and gold hooves. It wears a braclet from which three ribbons flow, and blue beads in her forlock clack on her antlers.
She comes up beside Taia. At first she looks serious, and holds herself proudly. "Hello, visitor," her voice is cool and calm. Taia begins to imitate her. "I am a Aryan," she glances at Taia, imitating someone extreamly annoyed with a small child. "My mate lives in yonder thicket, looking after our young one while we wait for the others. He will answer your questions on the matter."
Sudenly she jumps at Taia playfuly, a broad grin on her face. Taia jumps into the water to avoid her. They play until Taia finaly knocks the Aryan into the water.
Sudenly you realize you stayed much longer than you intended. As you tell them you have to go, they both wish you luck and good travels. As you put on your sandals you look back at the beautiful place behind you.
"Come back soon."
Name: Taia'daki
Translation: Fish's pull
Age: Adult mare
Clan: none
Mate: none
Children: none
Birthplace: Tir'na'bainne'gile'lair
Foal stage: