1. You only watch Labyrinth to see Jareth’s tights.
    2. You correct little things on Labyrinth Chat Rooms-such as: Jereth, Huggle, and Sara. A severe lecture is given to those who make similar mistakes.
    3. You’ve vowed to stay away from anything Peachy.
    4. You search every junkyard in town to try to find the peach that Sarah threw.
    5. You sing "As the World Falls Down" during tornado drills.
    6. You refrain from saying "Peachy Keen!"
    7. You write songs about the movie-one in particular called "Drugged Peaches". After telling your friends, they give you strange looks.
    8. You ask friends if they’d ever eat Drugged Peaches, and receive strange looks.
    9. You volunteer (in front of friends) to Drugged Peaches-as long as you don’t fall into a junkyard = Stange Looks.
    10. You believe you are Jareth.
    11. You believe you are Sarah. (Hey, there’s hope!)
    12. You jump off a building in hopes of turning into an owl.
    13. You watch Sailor Moon only because it deals with the Imperial Silver Crystal.
    14. You memorized the movie the very first time you saw it. (NOT an exaggeration!)
    15. You play the movie, mute it, and say everyone’s lines for them.
    16. The password on your computer is "Labyrinth".
    17. You send hate mail to anyone who dislikes Labyrinth.
    18. You suggest a sign of Obsession. (C’mon, people! I need some help here!)
    19. The only clothes you own are: tights, a cape, a white "pirate’s" shirt, and boots.
    20. (Boys) You dread kisses for the fear of becoming Prince of the Land of Stench.
    21. You don’t have a boyfriend/husband-waiting for Jareth.
    22. You don’t have a girlfriend/wife-waiting for Sarah.
    23. You’re reading THIS list.
    24. You place yourself in your own Fan-Fic.
    25. You signed the petition to put Labyrinth back on the Big Screen.
    26. You believe you are Sarah and Jareth’s child.
    27. You receive a peach for a birthday "present".
    28. You signed Anakerie’s Guest Book more than five times.
    29. You have more than one "Labyrinth Obsession Portfolio".
    30. You qualify for more than ten of these. (Um, uh, er…oh, dear.)
    31. You’ve written one or more of these lists. (I'm in trouble!)
    32. You dress in all orange and dance around a firepit.
    33. Everyone goes to see "Titanic", and you stay home and watch Labyrinth for the 999,999,999,999th time. (By Tanya.)
    34. Jareth shows up at your house and begs you not to wish away anymore people.
    35. He returns all the people that you wished away.
    36. You send them back just to be naughty.
    37. You're on a girl's soccer team and as your opponent steals the ball, you call, "She must be stopped! Come on, MOVE!"
    38. You see various Labyrinth characters in your mirror.
    39. You never swear with the exception of "Damn".
    40. You watch Labyrinth in different languages. (You don't know what they're REALLY saying, but…)
    41. You've written more than 3 Fan-Fics. (A lot of free time on my hands, eh?)
    42. You won't watch any other movie.
    43. It's all you think about.
    44. You think ballet tights were stolen from Jareth.
    45. You make up a logical reason why you're not Sarah-or any other character.
    46. You go into hysterics because Sarah isn't in the scene you're watching.
    47. You go into hysterics because Jareth isn't in the scene you're watching. (With those tights, who wouldn't?)
    48. You set up a shrine to honor Jareth in your room.
    49. You set up a shrine to honor Sarah in your room.
    50. You beg your family and friends to include Labyrinth items on their pages.
    51. You find yourself in search of sheepdogs that will lead you to Sarah.
    52. You follow any girl with long, brown hair, not stopping until the cops are called.
    53. You ask for that girl's autograph.
    54. You think every beggar is Jareth in disguise-especially ones with pots!
    55. You talk to foxes and expect them to respond.
    56. You tell your friends to start a "fashion statement" and dress like Sarah/Jareth.
    57. You put this list to memory-and recite it to anyone who will listen.
    58. You call your friend Sarah-and he's a guy!
    59. You call your friend Jareth-and she's a girl!
    60. You relate everything in real life to the movie.
    61. You try to make conversation with every white owl you see. (Last 2 by Laura.)
    62. Every time you see a rock star with blond hair you cry, "Hey! It's Jareth!"
    63. You turn your room into the Bog of Eternal Stench. (Ew!)
    64. You draw a castle on your bedroom wall.
    65. Jareth comes to you a dream, demanding that you laugh.
    66. Every time you see a white owl, you chase after it screaming, "Wait for me! Wait for me, Jareth! Baby, wait!"
    67. Every time the wind blows open your door, you expect to see a white owl fly in.
    68. You look into the TV and magically you see your brother. (Hint: the TV is off.)
    69. Time seems to go "faster".
    70. You change your name to Libby Sarah. (Last 5 by Judy.)
    71. You attend basketball games and during half time, you perform makeshift cheers about the movie. (And you're not even a cheerleader!)
    72. Your idea of a date is watching Labyrinth in the dark and making out with the TV when Sarah/Jareth appears.
    73. You force your bride to wear "Sarah's dress".
    74. You force your groom to wear "Jareth's ball clothes".
    75. You find yourself constantly watching time.
    76. You study Geography all your life and you still can't find the Underground.
    77. You form a band called "Drugged Peaches". (I know. I need help.)
    78. You write a story about yourself as a Labyrinthian Super Heroine. (Libby Sarah to the rescue!)
    79. Everything you do, see, or hear reminds you of the movie.
    80. You're about to let a Fortune Teller tell your future, but she's using a crystal ball. You believe it's Jareth's and grab it, making a run for it, later vowing to return it to him.
    81. Someone stops the movie while you're watching it and you pitch a major fit.
    82. You go into a trance each time you watch it-and you can't be moved or talked to until the movie is over.
    83. You see baby boys on the street and ask, "Toby? Toby, is that you?"
    84. You're always making sure your light bulbs are working-just in case.
    85. You own a collection of white porcelain owls.
    86. You keep your distance form snakes: they could be Goblins, after all.
    87. You're never sure which way to go-left, or right?
    88. The power goes out while you're watching it, so you start acting out all the characters' parts terrifying family and pets.
    89. You greet people you know by saying, "Ello!"
    90. People ask advice, and you tell them, "Come inside and meet the Missus!"
    91. You sing "Magic Dance" to new sitting charges, frightening the children.
    92. You draw with chalk on the sidewalk and a tiny creature comes out from under the block and scolds you.
    93. It only took about 30 seconds to figure out Jareth loved Sarah.
    94. You're always aware of "false alarms".
    95. You keep plastic bracelets around the house. (Never know when Hoggle's going to show up at your door!)
    96. To you, everything's "a piece of cake".
    97. You have nightmares about The Cleaners.
    98. You're playing with your cat, she runs but you catch her, and you cry, "We got you now, Fuzzball!"
    99. You pull off doll's heads and throw them across the room.
    100. You run through the house yelling, "Toby? Toby!"
    101. You call all the "Williams" in the phonebook-no Sarah.
    102. The only way you show sympathy is by saying, "Such a pity."
    103. You think that Zoycite on Sailor Moon is really Jareth because in "A Crystal Clear Destiny", he/she said, "Such a pity."
    104. You adore that episode of Sailor Moon. (More or less to stare at the title.)
    105. You beg your mother to have another child in hopes that when it's one, you can wish it away.
    106. You see one too many similarities between you and Sarah. (Or so I think.)
    107. You see one too many similarities between you and Jareth.
    108. You're constantly wishing to be a 15-year-old girl with a 1-year-old brother.
    109. You're constantly wishing to be a Goblin King.
    110. You're constantly wishing to be a Goblin. (Sorry, but that's taking it a bit too far, don't you think?)
    111. You plan a summer trip to the Underground.
    112. You call in sick and stay home to watch it.
    113. You kidnap your own sibling and become very disappointed when you can't turn them into a Goblin.
    114. You get a personalized license plate reading "Sar&Jar".
    115. You consider yourself a "Labyrinthian". (Hey, who doesn't?)
    116. You qualify for more than 20 of these. (Sad, isn't it?)
    117. You lose sleep over the fact that Sarah and Jareth aren't a couple.
    118. You're known at school as the "Labyrinth Girl/Boy".
    119. You can change the subject to Labyrinth in ANY conversation.
    120. The power's out and as your mom lights a candle, you ask, "Who's there?"
    121. You can name every character in the movie, but you can't name 1 president.
    122. You use this list to see just HOW obsessed you are. (Hope it helps!)
    123. People call you a Labyrinth Freak, and you thank them.
    124. You only surf the Net to find Labyrinth Web Sites.
    125. You wear Jareth's ball clothes/Sarah's ball dress to your Prom.
    126. Despite the warnings, you continue to write your Labyrinth Fan-Fic until your teacher takes away your notebook. (Guilty!)


By: Libby Sarah, Tanya Gegare, Judy VanToll, and Laura Sonnlitener


If you wish to send me a Sign of Obsession, feel free to do so!


(Your name probably won't be included, 'cause it would take me forever to post ALL those names…)

