1. You name your 2 dogs Abrosious and Merlin.
    2. Some asks you the time and you reply, "Thirteen o’ clock."
    3. Your best friend is a dwarf.
    4. You rename your 1-year-old brother Toby.
    5. You own 1 or more stuffed Firery.
    6. You’re always looking for Jareth at your friends’ costume parties.
    7. You use lipstick to mark your way through the mall.
    8. You don’t accept peaches from friends.
    9. You talk to worms.
    10. You write Top 10 lists about the movie that turn out to be Top 100 list!
    11. You open your bedroom door and a lady with junk on her back walks in.
    12. You’re in trouble, and you shout, "Ludo, call the rocks!"
    13. You’re baby-sitting you brother, he gives you a hard time, and you threaten to "say the words."
    14. You claim the swamp near your house is the Bog of Eternal Stench.
    15. During Daylight Savings Time, every time your mother puts the clock an hour ahead you cry, "It’s not fair!"
    16. You’re constantly trying to pull off your head and ears.
    17. Every time you look into your mirror, Hoggle asks you, "Should you need us?"
    18. You smash a window with a chair, hoping to fall into a junkyard.
    19. You recite the words to beat Jareth in your sleep.
    20. You ask the white owl you see while running through the park if he'll take you Underground.
    21. You purposely fall down a sewer and declare it’s an Oubliette.
    22. You get your brother red-and-white striped pajamas for Christmas.
    23. You start shooting down fireflies because they look like fairies.
    24. The alley behind your school begins to grow eyeballs.
    25. You see that owl again-this time outside you parents’ bedroom window!
    26. Somebody takes a pencil off your desk and you run out of your room calling, "Someone’s been in my room again. I hate that! I HATE IT!"
    27. Your girlfriend changes her name to Sarah just to get your attention.
    28. Your boyfriend changes his name to Jareth just to get your attention.
    29. If ever you come to a bridge, you check for low branches-just in case!
    30. People start telling you not to take everything for granted, and you say, "YES! I'm like Sarah now!"
    31. Your favorite saying is, "It’s not fair!"
    32. You still call your best friend "Hogwart."
    33. The owl’s back, sitting outside your window while you’re having a party.
    34. Someone calls you a name, or teases you otherwise, and you begin reciting, "Through dangers untold…"
    35. Out of nowhere, a clock appears on a tree in your yard.
    36. You dress up like Sarah for your school dance(s).
    37. You buy the movie and the tape wears out within a week. (Or less!)
    38. You turn your room into a maze.
    39. You suggest, to your parents, going to the Goblin City for the summer.
    40. You start to see owls EVERYWHERE…
    41. You try walking through your bedroom wall.
    42. You take one whiff of your school cafeteria’s food and announce, "Smell BAD!"
    43. You begin your journey to school each day by commanding, "Come on, feet!"
    44. You have trouble "asking the right questions."
    45. You fall, cry for help, and expect the Helping Hands to hold you up.
    46. You try turning a snake into a goblin.
    47. The Fireries are dancing around the firepit in your backyard.
    48. Your "fort" turns out to be one of the houses in the Goblin City.
    49. Jereth offers you your dreams in a crystal.
    50. You open the door to your house and out flies a certain white owl.
    51. You’re reading this list.
    52. You buy a key chain with a silver castle, two winding staircases, and a clear marble in the center. (Just because it reminds you of Jareth’s castle and the crystal.)
    53. You plan on naming your children Sarah and Jareth.
    54. Friends give you funny looks when you tell them, "You remind me of the babe!"
    55. You’re asked to use ‘generous’ in a sentence and you reply, "Generous? What have you done that’s generous?"
    56. No matter what you’re doing at 7:00, you drop it and run home to baby-sit.
    57. Someone gets bossy and you exclaim, "You have no power over me!"
    58. You start every sentence with, "I wish."
    59. The only music you listen to is the Labyrinth Sound Track.
    60. For the school talent show, you recite the whole dialogue of Labyrinth.
    61. While watching a movie, you notice that the lead character (man or woman) looks like Jennifer Connelly.
    62. You take advice from a man with a bird on his head.
    63. The knocker on your door talks to you.
    64. During a baseball game, you back up to catch a fly ball and sharp blades pop up.
    65. You’re at the beach and Jareth comes out of a nearby cave wearing white.
    66. You give your favorite teddy bear to your brother and say, "I’d like Lancelot to belong to you now."
    67. You yell at anyone who compares the movie to "Alice in Wonderland" or "The Wizard of Oz."
    68. You insist people call you "Sarah".
    69. You insist people call you "Jareth".
    70. You ask people if they’ve seen Labyrinth 2. (That’s a sure sign of obsession!)
    71. You’re in a play and all you keep saying is, "Damn! I can never remember that line!"
    72. You sing Underground in the shower constantly.
    73. Your favorite excuse is "Ludo ate my homework!"
    74. People ask you where you live and you reply, "1300 Jareth Maze."
    75. You hold meetings of the Labyrinth Club 24 hours a day.
    76. You call the president and ask him to declare a "Labyrinth Day."
    77. You plan to wear the dress Sarah wore in the Ballroom Scene for your wedding.
    78. You believe "Sarah" should be a state.
    79. You believe "Jareth" should be a state.
    80. You start on the topic of Labyrinth and avoid all subject changes.
    81. Every report you do (regardless of the topic) is on the movie.
    82. The only thing you sing in choir is "Chilly Down."
    83. You start taking your friends’ "rightful property".
    84. At Sunday mass, instead of money, you put your ring in the collection plate.
    85. You continually yell at the characters until they say their lines.
    86. You wake up at 12:00 (every night) to make sure your brother is still in his crib.
    87. You have 13 sets of the exact same clothes: A white blouse, a white vest, blue jeans, and brown slip-on shoes.
    88. The children you baby-sit for know every line of the movie.
    89. Your neighbors all look like goblins.
    90. Your parents send you to LLA meetings. (Labyrinth Lovers Anonymous)
    91. You beg your parents to send you to Labyrinth Camp for the summer.
    92. The Henson Company calls you and asks you to do Labyrinth: The Series.
    93. Jennifer Connelly sends you Christmas cards.
    94. Your room is exactly the same as Sarah’s. The only difference is that it’s your room. (Or is it?)
    95. The only "board game" you play is the Labyrinth marble game.
    96. Your favorite book is The Labyrinth by A. H. C. Smith
    97. Your favorite animal is the owl.
    98. You have the phone numbers of all the cast members.
    99. You refuse to watch TV unless there’s a special about Labyrinth on.
    100. You communicate with your friends during class by using The Labyrinth Ball-a ball of paper that’s written on only about Labyrinth.
    101. Your Labyrinth webpage is so big that you have to take out a loan to pay for it.
    102. You quote Sarah every chance you get-even during class.
    103. Every year, regardless of age, you dress up as Sarah/Jareth for Halloween.
    104. You’re a natural redhead, but you dye your hair to match Sarah’s.
    105. You grow your blond hair long so it looks like Jareth’s.
    106. You dream of being Sarah every night.
    107. You dream of being Jareth every night.
    108. You buy $100 worth of lipstick. (You never know when you’ll get lost!)
    109. You fail a test and, to your teacher, you say it. "Through dangers untold…"
    110. You think Jareth is the cutest guy ever.
    111. You think Sarah is the cutest girl ever.
    112. No one trusts you to sit for their 1-year-olds, for fear you’ll "say the words."
    113. You volunteer to be the voice of Sarah for Labyrinth: The cartoon.
    114. You can’t see your ceiling because all your self-made Sarah/Jareth posters.
    115. You want to live a castle surrounded by a Labyrinth.
    116. You worship anyone whose name is Sarah.
    117. You worship anyone whose name is Jareth.
    118. You give extra Christmas presents only to teachers who have seen the movie.
    119. You know the difference between real crystal and artificial crystal.
    120. You try out "the words" on your dog or cat, but are sadly disappointed.
    121. You always run home in the rain, just to feel like Sarah.
    122. Your notebook is full of bad drawings of Sarah, but in your eyes, they rock!
    123. Since you like Labyrinth better than Star Wars, you instead tell people, "May the Labyrinth be with you!"
    124. You ask all the local video arcades if they carry Labyrinth: The game.
    125. Every time you play house, even if you’re told not to by other players, your name has to be Sarah.
    126. You insist this year the school play should be Labyrinth.

