- You name your 2 dogs Abrosious and Merlin.
- Some asks you the time and you reply, "Thirteen o’ clock."
- Your best friend is a dwarf.
- You rename your 1-year-old brother Toby.
- You own 1 or more stuffed Firery.
- You’re always looking for Jareth at your friends’ costume parties.
- You use lipstick to mark your way through the mall.
- You don’t accept peaches from friends.
- You talk to worms.
- You write Top 10 lists about the movie that turn out to be Top 100 list!
- You open your bedroom door and a lady with junk on her back walks in.
- You’re in trouble, and you shout, "Ludo, call the rocks!"
- You’re baby-sitting you brother, he gives you a hard time, and you threaten to "say the words."
- You claim the swamp near your house is the Bog of Eternal Stench.
- During Daylight Savings Time, every time your mother puts the clock an hour ahead you cry, "It’s not fair!"
- You’re constantly trying to pull off your head and ears.
- Every time you look into your mirror, Hoggle asks you, "Should you need us?"
- You smash a window with a chair, hoping to fall into a junkyard.
- You recite the words to beat Jareth in your sleep.
- You ask the white owl you see while running through the park if he'll take you Underground.
- You purposely fall down a sewer and declare it’s an Oubliette.
- You get your brother red-and-white striped pajamas for Christmas.
- You start shooting down fireflies because they look like fairies.
- The alley behind your school begins to grow eyeballs.
- You see that owl again-this time outside you parents’ bedroom window!
- Somebody takes a pencil off your desk and you run out of your room calling, "Someone’s been in my room again. I hate that! I HATE IT!"
- Your girlfriend changes her name to Sarah just to get your attention.
- Your boyfriend changes his name to Jareth just to get your attention.
- If ever you come to a bridge, you check for low branches-just in case!
- People start telling you not to take everything for granted, and you say, "YES! I'm like Sarah now!"
- Your favorite saying is, "It’s not fair!"
- You still call your best friend "Hogwart."
- The owl’s back, sitting outside your window while you’re having a party.
- Someone calls you a name, or teases you otherwise, and you begin reciting, "Through dangers untold…"
- Out of nowhere, a clock appears on a tree in your yard.
- You dress up like Sarah for your school dance(s).
- You buy the movie and the tape wears out within a week. (Or less!)
- You turn your room into a maze.
- You suggest, to your parents, going to the Goblin City for the summer.
- You start to see owls EVERYWHERE…
- You try walking through your bedroom wall.
- You take one whiff of your school cafeteria’s food and announce, "Smell BAD!"
- You begin your journey to school each day by commanding, "Come on, feet!"
- You have trouble "asking the right questions."
- You fall, cry for help, and expect the Helping Hands to hold you up.
- You try turning a snake into a goblin.
- The Fireries are dancing around the firepit in your backyard.
- Your "fort" turns out to be one of the houses in the Goblin City.
- Jereth offers you your dreams in a crystal.
- You open the door to your house and out flies a certain white owl.
- You’re reading this list.
- You buy a key chain with a silver castle, two winding staircases, and a clear marble in the center. (Just because it reminds you of Jareth’s castle and the crystal.)
- You plan on naming your children Sarah and Jareth.
- Friends give you funny looks when you tell them, "You remind me of the babe!"
- You’re asked to use ‘generous’ in a sentence and you reply, "Generous? What have you done that’s generous?"
- No matter what you’re doing at 7:00, you drop it and run home to baby-sit.
- Someone gets bossy and you exclaim, "You have no power over me!"
- You start every sentence with, "I wish."
- The only music you listen to is the Labyrinth Sound Track.
- For the school talent show, you recite the whole dialogue of Labyrinth.
- While watching a movie, you notice that the lead character (man or woman) looks like Jennifer Connelly.
- You take advice from a man with a bird on his head.
- The knocker on your door talks to you.
- During a baseball game, you back up to catch a fly ball and sharp blades pop up.
- You’re at the beach and Jareth comes out of a nearby cave wearing white.
- You give your favorite teddy bear to your brother and say, "I’d like Lancelot to belong to you now."
- You yell at anyone who compares the movie to "Alice in Wonderland" or "The Wizard of Oz."
- You insist people call you "Sarah".
- You insist people call you "Jareth".
- You ask people if they’ve seen Labyrinth 2. (That’s a sure sign of obsession!)
- You’re in a play and all you keep saying is, "Damn! I can never remember that line!"
- You sing Underground in the shower constantly.
- Your favorite excuse is "Ludo ate my homework!"
- People ask you where you live and you reply, "1300 Jareth Maze."
- You hold meetings of the Labyrinth Club 24 hours a day.
- You call the president and ask him to declare a "Labyrinth Day."
- You plan to wear the dress Sarah wore in the Ballroom Scene for your wedding.
- You believe "Sarah" should be a state.
- You believe "Jareth" should be a state.
- You start on the topic of Labyrinth and avoid all subject changes.
- Every report you do (regardless of the topic) is on the movie.
- The only thing you sing in choir is "Chilly Down."
- You start taking your friends’ "rightful property".
- At Sunday mass, instead of money, you put your ring in the collection plate.
- You continually yell at the characters until they say their lines.
- You wake up at 12:00 (every night) to make sure your brother is still in his crib.
- You have 13 sets of the exact same clothes: A white blouse, a white vest, blue jeans, and brown slip-on shoes.
- The children you baby-sit for know every line of the movie.
- Your neighbors all look like goblins.
- Your parents send you to LLA meetings. (Labyrinth Lovers Anonymous)
- You beg your parents to send you to Labyrinth Camp for the summer.
- The Henson Company calls you and asks you to do Labyrinth: The Series.
- Jennifer Connelly sends you Christmas cards.
- Your room is exactly the same as Sarah’s. The only difference is that it’s your room. (Or is it?)
- The only "board game" you play is the Labyrinth marble game.
- Your favorite book is The Labyrinth by A. H. C. Smith
- Your favorite animal is the owl.
- You have the phone numbers of all the cast members.
- You refuse to watch TV unless there’s a special about Labyrinth on.
- You communicate with your friends during class by using The Labyrinth Ball-a ball of paper that’s written on only about Labyrinth.
- Your Labyrinth webpage is so big that you have to take out a loan to pay for it.
- You quote Sarah every chance you get-even during class.
- Every year, regardless of age, you dress up as Sarah/Jareth for Halloween.
- You’re a natural redhead, but you dye your hair to match Sarah’s.
- You grow your blond hair long so it looks like Jareth’s.
- You dream of being Sarah every night.
- You dream of being Jareth every night.
- You buy $100 worth of lipstick. (You never know when you’ll get lost!)
- You fail a test and, to your teacher, you say it. "Through dangers untold…"
- You think Jareth is the cutest guy ever.
- You think Sarah is the cutest girl ever.
- No one trusts you to sit for their 1-year-olds, for fear you’ll "say the words."
- You volunteer to be the voice of Sarah for Labyrinth: The cartoon.
- You can’t see your ceiling because all your self-made Sarah/Jareth posters.
- You want to live a castle surrounded by a Labyrinth.
- You worship anyone whose name is Sarah.
- You worship anyone whose name is Jareth.
- You give extra Christmas presents only to teachers who have seen the movie.
- You know the difference between real crystal and artificial crystal.
- You try out "the words" on your dog or cat, but are sadly disappointed.
- You always run home in the rain, just to feel like Sarah.
- Your notebook is full of bad drawings of Sarah, but in your eyes, they rock!
- Since you like Labyrinth better than Star Wars, you instead tell people, "May the Labyrinth be with you!"
- You ask all the local video arcades if they carry Labyrinth: The game.
- Every time you play house, even if you’re told not to by other players, your name has to be Sarah.
- You insist this year the school play should be Labyrinth.