The Battalion Aid Station
This web site is dedicated to those who have served in the United States Navy Hospital Corps, past, present and future. It is especially dedicated to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the performance of their duty. Fair winds and following seas.
The Hopsital Corpsman's Pledge
I solemnly place myself before God and these witnesses to faithfully perform all my duties as a member of the Hospital Corps. I hold the care of the sick and injured to be a priviledge and a sacred trust, and will assist the Medical Department Officer with loyalty and honesty. I will not knowingly permit harm to come to any patient. I will not partake of or administer any unauthorized medication. I will hold all personal matters pertaining to the private life of patients in strictest confidence. I dedicate my heart, mind, and strength to the work before me. I shall do all within my power to show in myself an example of all that is honorable and good throughout my Naval career.
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