earthmom's Tiny Corner of the Planet

Please wait for the 6 images above to load ** Live, Love, Laugh ** Even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat ** For those who know, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, none is possible ** When the student is ready, the teacher appears **


This site looks much better with Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you're using Netscape you probably don't see the scrolling text under the earth, huh? (See what you're missing!) Click on any image on the photo cube above to see it more closely. Email me if you can guess what the heck the pictures are of!!

Here's a link to a very interesting place - full of enlightening as well as weird things:

Year 2000 Links

Survival/Preparedness Links

Shouting "Fire" in a Crowded Y2K Theater - great article by Ed Yourdon

Join the y2k-homestead email list!

(type subscribe in the body of the message)

Thanks! Yall come back sometime!

If you have anything interesting to say or want to send me a good link, some Y2k or survival information, or a joke, send e(arth)mail to earthmom here. Don't send me marketing crap or advertisements or sales pitches or spam. NO SPAM. I don't care how exciting the opportunity is, how much money you're going to make, how much it's EXPLODING all over the Net, how sh-bing or sh-bang or sh-bwow it is, I don't want it.

served since 3/7/98

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