Wow up and running and in no time at all i start getting compliments.

<InSanE_CoWBoY> thats one ugly guy, but that truck looks stylin...
<Enoc_> i'll take that as a compliment
<InSanE_CoWBoY> lol
<InSanE_CoWBoY> good
<InSanE_CoWBoY> it was meant as one
<InSanE_CoWBoY> i thoight you were conan o brien at first...
<InSanE_CoWBoY> rr
<Enoc_> wow, flatery will get you everywhere
Me in all my glory.
My Info:
Name: Jon Loveless
Other Pages:
At one time I fancied myself a writer.  Here is 4 chapters of a story that I never finished.  Hey its not terrible.
End Times: