Kurt Busiek -
Avengers (Vol III) 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Once an Avenger...
John Byrne -
Avengers (Vol I) 233
Dark Phoenix Saga
Chris Claremont -
Dark Phoenix Saga
Excalibur 8, 34
Uncanny X-Men 164, 184, 187, 188
X-Men 1
Alan Davis -
Uncanny X-Men 374, 375, 376, 377
X-Men 93, 94, 95, 96
Tom DeFalco -
A-Next 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Todd DeZago -
Phalanx Covenant: Life
Chuck Dixon -
Warren Ellis -
Excalibur 93, 94, 96, 97
Jay Faerber -
Generation X 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
New Warriors (Vol II) 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Uncanny X-Men 374
Ron Frenz -
A-Next 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Steven Grant -
Avengers 185
Mark Gruenwald -
Avengers 185
Larry Hama -
Phalanx Covenant: Final
Terry Kavanagh -
Uncanny X-Men 375, 376, 377
X-Men 93. 94
Joe Kelly -
The Hunt for Xavier
Jim Lee -
X-Men 1
Scott Lobdell -
Excalibur 35, 36
Phalanx Covenant: Life
Ralph Macchio -
The Hunt for Xavier
David Michelinie -
Avengers 185
John Francis Moore -
X-Force 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98
Fabian Nicieza -
Dark Seduction
Phalanx Covenant: Life
X-Men 13, 28, 30
Ann Nocenti -
Avengers (Vol I) 241
Jerry Ordway -
Avengers (Vol III) 17,
Ben Raab -
New Mutants LS 1, 2, 3
Steve Seagle -
The Hunt for Xavier
Jim Shooter -
Secret Wars
Roger Stern -
Avengers (Vol I) 231,
235, 233, 241, 250, 262, 267

Jason Armstrong -
New Warriors (Vol II) 6
Derec Aucion -
Generation X 54
Chris Bachalo -
The Hunt for Xavier
Ed Barreto -
Bob Budiansky -
Avengers (Vol I) 235
John Buscema -
Avengers (Vol I) 262,
John Byrne -
Avengers 185, 233
Dark Phoenix Saga
Bernard Chang -
New Mutants LS 1, 2, 3
Jim Cheung -
X-Force 94, 95, 98
Dave Cockrum -
Uncanny X-Men 164
Roger Cruz -
Dark Seduction
Phalanx Covenant: Life
Uncanny X-Men 376
Tony Daniel -
Phalanx Covenant: Life
Alan Davis -
X-Men 93, 94, 96
Nelson DeCastro -
X-Force 95
Terry Dodson -
Generation X 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59
Jan Duursema -
Phalanx Covenant: Life
Tommy Lee Edwards -
X-Force 91
Steve Epting -
Phalanx Covenant: Life
Pascual Ferry -
The Hunt for Xavier
Ron Frenz -
A-Next 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Jorge Santamaria Garcia -
Dark Seduction
Jamal Igle -
New Warriors (Vol II) 7
Casey Jones -
Excalibur 93, 94, 97
Karl Kerschel -
Generation X 56
New Warriors (Vol II) 4,
Adam Kubert -
The Hunt for Xavier
Phalanx Covenant: Final
Uncanny X-Men 375
Andy Kubert -
X-Men 28, 30
Ken Lashley -
Phalanx Covenant: Life
Bob Layton -
Secret Wars
Ron Lim -
Excalibur 8
Al Milgrom -
Avengers (Vol I) 231,
241, 250
Mike Miller -
X-Force 92
Jerry Ordway -
Avengers (Vol III) 17,
Carlos Pacheco -
Excalibur 96
George Perez -
Avengers (Vol III) 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Once an Avenger...
Tom Raney -
Uncanny X-Men 374, 377
X-Men 95
Chris Renaud -
Generation X 57
New Warriors (Vol II) 3,
X-Force 93
Darick Robertson -
Generation X 58
John Romita Jr. -
Uncanny X-Men 184, 187, 188
Michael Ryan -
Dark Seduction
Steve Scott -
New Warriors (Vol II) 0,
1, 2, 3
Steve Skroce -
Phalanx Covenant: Final
Art Thibert -
X-Men 13
Ron Wagner -
Excalibur 34
Anthony Williams -
X-Force 93, 96, 97
Leinil Francis Yu -
The Hunt for Xavier
Mike Zeck -
Secret Wars |