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This is the story of a spider who traveled the American Southwest in search of a spider just like itself. Prepare yourself for...

The Adventures of Blimpie!

Blimpie as Sir Blimps A Lot.

Blimpie's Southwest Adventure

Part One: Blimpie Leaves Home

Part Two: The Show Me State

Part Three: Don't Drive Through That Smoke!

Part Four: Cows, Crosses, and Cadillacs

Part Five: New Mexico Part One

Part Six: Jumpin' Choya! It's Arizona!

Part Seven: New Mexico - An Alien Experience

Part Eight: The Rest of the Journey

Blimpie Gets Cheesy

Blimpie flies to Chicago!

Sir Blimps A Lot attends a Halloween party!

The Turtle Reserve

Stinky the Turtle is released into the wild!

Blimpie Goes Out and About

Blimpie goes to a birthday party in Normal, Illinois!

Blimpie goes to the St. Andrew's Society Celtic Festival and Highland Games!

The Blimpie contest is now over.

Email Blimpie by clicking here!

Friends of Blimpie

Winner's Page

You are visitor# since January 25, 1998

Here is a listing of the states and countries that have visited the Adventures of Blimpie page as of October 1, 1998!

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin

Countries other than the USA
Argentina Australia Canada Denmark England Finland Japan Micronesia New Zealand Singapore Spain

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