This is the place of Rajah Dogge
& his brother god Shang-Puck.
You can read about their ancient world
and their quest to conquer the universe in
Twin Suns, a novel in serial form


If you return often, you will find a new chapter
nearly every Sunday morning!

Latest update: September 12, 1999

Chapter 13, Part 2

Stay a while, read a story.

Simple Curiosity - A tale of curious cats who are too smart for anyone's good.

Bottled Dreams - A story of the near future where people dream their lives away.

Twin Suns - a novel of clashing alien civilizations whose leaders are gods.

You can learn more about me by looking at my Resumé.

If you really want to, you can see a Picture of Me.

Check out some Web Rings for Amateur Writers too!

Area51's Brightest Stars Web Ring
Area51's Brightest Stars Web Ring

owned by Sherry Packer.
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