I've always been keen to photograph things I want to remember, or subjects which grab my attention. I started to scan photos in when I started building this site - most can be found on the Guernsey pages. Just recently I got myself some image manipulation software - and found a new hobby. So What do I do with it? Well, image manipulation doesn't just mean swapping heads and bodies, superimposing people into places they have never been (although that is fun, too!) It can also be used to simply tidy up photographs which weren't quite perfect, or tweak colours which aren't as you remember them. Developed prints sometimes doesn't do a sunset justice, for example - so you improve the colours, reduce the glare, and hey-presto that's how you remembered it. Below are a few examples of what can be done: a tweaked photo of my house, and a brand new image created from an otherwise plain old shot.
Check out the Gallery, and Piccy Fun
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